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**Royal Drama Unfolds in New York: Harry and Meghan’s Tense Clash Over Lilibet’s Christening**

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**Royal Drama Unfolds in New York: Harry and Meghan’s Tense Clash Over Lilibet’s Christening**

Welcome to the bustling streets of New York, where a dramatic altercation involving and has captured the attention of onlookers.

In Touch magazine recently revealed that the royal couple's visit to the Big Apple took a sour turn, shedding light on the behind-the-scenes turmoil that unfolded during their time in the city.

Amidst the flashing cameras and public appearances, and appeared to be the picture-perfect couple.

However, tensions arose when the duo found themselves alone, away from the prying eyes of the media.

The issue at hand?

's impending christening, a topic that sparked a heated debate between the two.

Sources close to the couple disclosed that what began as a simple expression of concerns from Harry escalated into a full-blown argument, marking one of their most intense disputes to date.

To make matters worse, their private disagreement was inadvertently captured on camera, adding an extra layer of pressure to an already tense situation.

Speculations suggest that the couple's dispute stemmed from Harry's reluctance to have christened in the UK.

According to insiders, Harry expressed reservations about the potential backlash and scrutiny that a royal christening would entail, preferring a more low-key ceremony for his daughter in California.

On the other hand, Meghan was adamant that Lilibet should receive a traditional royal christening, complete with all the pomp and circumstance befitting her status as a princess.

The clash of opinions reached a boiling point, leading to Meghan storming off and leaving Harry bewildered and alone.

The aftermath of their argument saw Meghan apologizing for her abrupt departure, but tensions lingered between the couple.

Despite attempts to reconcile, Harry and Meghan decided to put a temporary hold on the christening plans, opting to revisit the issue at a later date.

While the insider provided intricate details of the conflict, questions remain regarding the validity of the claims.

With no concrete evidence to support the allegations, doubts arise about the accuracy of the reported events.

The lack of substantiated proof leaves room for skepticism regarding the true nature of Harry and Meghan's alleged feud.

As the dust settles on this whirlwind of speculation, one thing remains clear: the intricacies of royal life continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

Whether the truth behind Harry and Meghan's clash will ever come to light remains uncertain.

Amidst the glitz and glamour of their public appearances, the couple's private struggles serve as a reminder of the complexities that accompany life in the royal spotlight.

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