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**Royal Couple’s Chaotic Encounter with Paparazzi in Manhattan**

Photos: GETTY

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**Royal Couple’s Chaotic Encounter with Paparazzi in Manhattan**

Harry and Meghan found themselves at the center of a tumultuous situation as they left a charity event in Manhattan, surrounded by a swarm of cameras and flanked by their security team.

The Duke and Duchess' spokesperson revealed that what unfolded could be described as a “near catastrophic car chase,” with highly aggressive paparazzi tailing the couple and Meghan's mother across the city for over two hours.

This relentless pursuit led to several close calls, nearly causing collisions with other vehicles, pedestrians, and even two NYPD officers.

The Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, condemned the behavior of the media, labeling it as irresponsible and dangerous.

Expressing concern over the potential harm to innocent bystanders, Mayor Adams emphasized the seriousness of such incidents.

However, he also raised doubts about the accuracy of certain details, expressing skepticism about the reported two-hour high-speed chase.

In response to the escalating situation, the NYPD issued a statement acknowledging the challenges posed by the incident but clarifying that no collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests were reported.

Contradicting earlier claims, three senior law enforcement sources asserted that there was no actual chase but rather continuous surveillance of the royal couple.

Additional sources described the events as chaotic, noting that the NYPD provided an escort for Harry and Meghan during an approximately one hour and 15-minute pursuit.

Amidst the chaos, Harry and Meghan sought refuge in a yellow taxi at a local police station, where the driver downplayed the intensity of the situation, describing it as “chaotic, but not crazy, crazy.”

Despite outward appearances, the couple's unease was palpable, reflecting the distress caused by the persistent attention and scrutiny they faced.

The taxi driver eventually transported them back to the police station, where they switched vehicles before continuing their journey.

In the aftermath of the incident, the paparazzi denied engaging in aggressive driving tactics, further complicating the narrative surrounding the encounter.

The episode evoked haunting memories of 's tragic death in a Paris tunnel, a pivotal moment that profoundly impacted Harry's life.

The Prince's longstanding grievances with the media were reignited, drawing parallels between his mother's experiences and the treatment of Meghan.

The incessant clicking and flashing of cameras stirred deep emotions within Harry, igniting anger and frustration reminiscent of past traumas.

The overwhelming media scrutiny played a significant role in the couple's decision to step back from their royal duties and relocate to the United States.

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