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**Royal Controversy: Speculation Surrounding Archie and Megan’s Relationship**

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**Royal Controversy: Speculation Surrounding Archie and Megan’s Relationship**

Speculation has arisen regarding the true age of Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, born supposedly on May 6th, 2019.

However, recent events have sparked doubt among royal fans, suggesting that the child being carried by Megan in July 2019 may not be the same baby.

Observers note that the child appears to be at least 4 to 6 months old, leading to questions about his identity and the authenticity of the parent-child connection.

The scene at a polo match captured Megan Markle holding in a manner that raised eyebrows among onlookers.

Some royal enthusiasts have gone as far as suggesting that Archie might be a lifelike doll rather than a real infant.

Royal Watcher Deanna Eppers-Encora weighed in on the situation, questioning the motives behind Harry and Megan's decision not to move into Kensington Palace, hinting at potential tensions with other members of the royal family.

The polo match further fueled speculation, with many puzzled by Megan's handling of Archie, who appeared motionless throughout the event.

Social media users expressed concerns over Megan's parenting skills, noting her unconventional approach to carrying the baby and lack of protective measures.

The scrutiny intensified when photos surfaced showing Archie suspended awkwardly in a baby carrier while Megan smiled for the cameras, drawing criticism for her seemingly careless attitude towards child safety.

In response to mounting criticism, Megan Markle faced accusations of portraying motherhood falsely and using a doll as a prop instead of caring for her own child.

The YouTube channel Daily Empress even suggested that Archie could be a doll, citing his lack of movement during public appearances as evidence.

The controversy deepened as users debated the authenticity of Archie's existence and the nature of Megan's relationship with him.

As discussions around Archie's authenticity continued, concerns were raised about Megan's competence in handling the baby carrier during a public outing.

Critics pointed out the awkward positioning of Archie in the carrier, highlighting potential risks to the child's safety.

Calls for Megan to seek guidance on proper baby-wearing techniques emerged online, with users expressing dismay at what they perceived as negligence towards Archie's well-being.

The ongoing saga surrounding Archie and Megan's public appearances has left many questioning the dynamics of their relationship and the transparency of their interactions.

Despite attempts to address the speculation and criticism, doubts persist regarding the authenticity of Archie's identity and the sincerity of Megan's portrayal of motherhood.

As the controversy unfolds, observers remain divided on the true nature of the bond between Megan and her son, fueling ongoing debates within royal circles and beyond.

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