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Royal Controversy: Meghan Markle Faces Backlash Over Mandela Comparison

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Royal Controversy: Meghan Markle Faces Backlash Over Mandela Comparison

, no stranger to controversies, has once again stirred up a storm with a recent comment she made.

The Duchess of Sussex's remark has landed her in hot water, sparking outrage and criticism from various quarters.

During a 2019 premiere of the Lion King, recounted an encounter with a South African cast member who drew a striking parallel.

According to her, the cast member likened the celebration of her marriage into the royal family to the jubilation that followed Nelson Mandela's release from prison.

In a recent interview with a magazine, Markle shared this anecdote, which has since garnered significant attention and backlash.

The comparison she drew between her own experience and Mandela's historic liberation has been met with sharp disapproval.

Notably, Nelson Mandela's family has been particularly vocal in condemning Markle's comments.

Mandela's grandson expressed surprise at her remarks, emphasizing the profound significance of Mandela's release after years of colonialism and apartheid in South Africa.

He underscored that the two events are incomparable in their historical weight and impact.

The criticism extended beyond Mandela's family, with many South Africans taking to social media to express their dismay over Markle's perceived insensitivity.

Twitter was abuzz with users denouncing her remarks as tone-deaf and labeling her as the ‘delusional duchess'.

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