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**Royal Circus Unveiled: McDowell’s Blunt Critique of Harry and Meghan**

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**Royal Circus Unveiled: McDowell’s Blunt Critique of Harry and Meghan**

In a no-holds-barred takedown of the royal couple, Dajan McDowell, the Fox News host known for her unwavering grip on reality, delivered a scathing critique of Harry and Meghan on the Jimmy Fala show.

Brace yourselves for unfiltered commentary that will undoubtedly ruffle some feathers.

McDowell didn't hold back as she dissected Harry and Meghan's actions with the precision of a surgeon.

She didn't sugarcoat her words; instead, she dismantled their fairy-tale image piece by piece.

To her and many others, the universe itself seems to reject this power couple, and McDowell isn't one to argue with such cosmic forces.

Her blunt verdict?

The universe has no love for Harry and Meghan.

The duo, self-proclaimed climate activists, preach about environmental conservation while jet-setting on private planes with reckless abandon.

The glaring hypocrisy in their actions is so palpable that it could be sliced with a royal sword.

It's as if they possess a talent for speaking one way and acting in complete contradiction.

Revisiting the bombshell Oprah interview, where Meghan revealed her struggles adjusting to royal life, McDowell saw through what she perceived as a facade of victimhood.

She questioned Meghan's credibility, likening it to a delicate lace doily at a tea party.

As for , McDowell couldn't comprehend his failure to prepare Meghan for the royal lifestyle, given the tragic history of .

In her eyes, he appeared as a flashlight without batteries.

Adding fuel to the royal fire, their spokesperson, Ed, has been churning out narratives more dramatic than a Shakespearean play.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams didn't mince words, labeling Ed's book a compilation of falsehoods.

The sudden shift from portraying the couple in a positive light in “Finding Freedom” to a negative portrayal raises eyebrows.

The once seemingly invincible facade of Harry and Meghan's public image is now crumbling like a souffle in a storm.

Criticism is pouring in from all directions, exposing cracks in their carefully crafted persona.

While Meghan may believe she is adored worldwide, the truth is slowly emerging that her halo might just be a well-placed tiara.

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