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Royal Christmas Drama: Expert Reveals Clues of Tension Between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

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Royal Christmas Drama: Expert Reveals Clues of Tension Between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

and 's final royal Christmas in the UK was far from harmonious, as cracks in their relationship with the royal family began to surface, according to a royal expert.

The couple, who had not celebrated Christmas at Sandringham since 2018, displayed subtle but telling signs that all was not well during their last festive season in the UK.

In 2019, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex chose to spend Christmas in America with Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, along with their son, Prince , before ultimately stepping back from their royal duties in 2020.

Reflecting on their last Christmas at Sandringham in 2018, the Sussexes joined and in greeting well-wishers at St Mary Magdalene Church.

However, body language expert Judy James observed that the interactions between the couples hinted at underlying tensions.

James remarked to the Mirror that although it was not overtly apparent that Harry and Meghan would depart from their royal roles at the time, subtle clues were present.

She described their behavior as a carefully orchestrated denial pose, reminiscent of how celebrity couples handle rumors of relationship troubles.

During a public walk, Princess Kate's actions towards Meghan seemed contrived, as noted by James.

The expert pointed out that Kate made a visible effort to engage with Meghan, stepping away from William to interact with her, while the two brothers appeared distant and lacked any meaningful connection.

Despite the focus on Kate and Meghan's dynamics, the strained relationship between William and Harry went largely unnoticed, as they were still perceived as an inseparable sibling duo.

James further analyzed Kate's demeanor, noting a complexity in her smile that deviated from her usual poised expressions.

The expert highlighted subtle facial cues, such as double puckering of the cheek, suggesting inner turmoil conflicting with outward gestures of friendliness.

In contrast, Meghan's response to Kate's attempts at interaction appeared guarded, as she clung tightly to Harry, using physical barriers like her bag and gloves to maintain distance.

While William seemed detached from the interactions, wrapped in a scarf with hands tucked in his pockets, Harry actively engaged with well-wishers, projecting an image of a committed and popular royal without any indication of contemplating an exit.

James emphasized Harry's social demeanor, indicating a sense of self-assurance and a reluctance to disengage from his royal responsibilities.

The expert's analysis shed light on the intricate dynamics at play during the royal Christmas gathering, revealing tensions and underlying issues within the royal family.

As the holiday season unfolded, the carefully curated facade presented by the couples hinted at deeper rifts and unspoken conflicts, ultimately foreshadowing the tumultuous events that would lead to Harry and Meghan's departure from their official royal roles.

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