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Royal Children Set to Begin New Chapter at Lambrook School

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Royal Children Set to Begin New Chapter at Lambrook School

The royal family is making a significant change as Prince George, , and prepare to start their new educational journey at Lambrook School.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen this independent preparatory school for their children ahead of their anticipated move to Windsor.

Lambrook School stands out as an excellent choice for the young royals, particularly due to its robust 21-page anti-bullying policy.

This comprehensive document reflects the school's commitment to ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all students.

Their mission statement emphasizes a caring, friendly atmosphere where pupils can thrive without fear of bullying.

The school takes the issue of bullying seriously, outlining clear strategies to combat not only verbal and physical bullying on campus but also cyber-bullying.

Their disciplinary approach begins with teachers attempting to mediate conflicts between students, escalating to more severe consequences if necessary, including permanent exclusion.

Kensington Palace announced the news on Monday, expressing gratitude for the children's previous school, Thomas's Battersea.

Since 2017 and 2019, respectively, George and Charlotte have enjoyed their time there.

The statement highlighted the couple's satisfaction in finding a new school that aligns with the values and ethos they cherished at Thomas's.

Jonathan Perry, the headmaster of Lambrook School, expressed his excitement about welcoming the royal children.

He stated that the school community looks forward to integrating Prince George, , and into their environment this coming September, along with other new pupils.

Interestingly, there are whispers about Duchess Kate's own school experiences.

It has been suggested that she switched schools during her youth due to bullying.

A former classmate, Gemma Williamson, recounted to the Daily Mail that the Duchess had endured significant bullying, which affected her confidence and well-being.

Duchess Kate attended Downhouse before transferring to Marlborough College, where she flourished from 1996 to 2000.

During her time there, she became an active member of the hockey team and built strong friendships, a stark contrast to her earlier experiences.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have consistently advocated for children's mental health, particularly during anti-bullying week.

They have used their platform to raise awareness about these crucial issues, retweeting messages from organizations like the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.

Their mental health campaign, Heads Together, was initially launched in collaboration with .

Over time, it has transitioned to being solely led by the Cambridges, emphasizing their ongoing commitment to mental health advocacy.

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