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**Royal Butler Reveals Awkward Encounter Between Kate Middleton and Prince William**

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**Royal Butler Reveals Awkward Encounter Between Kate Middleton and Prince William**

The intriguing relationship between and has captivated royal family enthusiasts for years, ever since their student days.

Shedding light on a moment of vulnerability, former royal butler Grant Harold shared a revealing anecdote.

Back in 2008, Prince Charles marked his jubilee with a lavish reception at his private residence, Highgrove House in Gloucestershire.

As the celebration unfolded, Kate, who had been dating William for five years by then, was among the guests.

However, upon her arrival, she found herself in an uncomfortable predicament – standing alone amidst a sea of unfamiliar faces, notably older than herself.

Amidst the awkwardness, no one extended a welcoming hand or engaged Kate in conversation, as she remained unaccompanied and unnoticed.

It was at this moment that the butler, Grant Harold, came to her rescue.

Approaching the sidelined figure of Kate, he initiated a conversation, bridging the gap until William made his entrance.

Regrettably, 's belated arrival inadvertently subjected Kate to a moment of humiliation, deviating from the expected protocol of formally introducing her to the gathering.

Reflecting on the past, Harold emphasized that the couple, now parents to three children, navigated the early stages of their romance like any other pair in love – experiencing the usual ebbs and flows.

Noteworthy was Kate's demeanor, characterized by graciousness and warmth towards Harold and the royal staff.

Despite the challenges, she maintained a cordial rapport, never failing to exhibit kindness.

Harold, personally affected by William and Kate's breakup but elated by their reunion, reminisced on the camaraderie shared during his tenure serving the Windsors.

Recalling his time serving the royal family during pivotal moments such as Charles and 's wedding, as well as William and Harry's university years, Harold fondly reminisced about the shared experiences.

From accompanying the young royals to local pubs, forging friendships, to fostering a harmonious relationship with the future heirs to the British throne, Harold's recollections painted a picture of camaraderie and mutual respect.

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