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Royal Backlash: Calls to Abolish Prince of Wales Title Gain Momentum

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Royal Backlash: Calls to Abolish Prince of Wales Title Gain Momentum

After facing criticism over their new titles, and Kate have been advised to scale back on unnecessary extravagance.

A petition demanding the abolition of the Prince of Wales title has garnered nearly 36,000 signatures online.

The royal couple, now known as Princess of Wales and Prince of Wales following the Queen's passing and III's coronation, have embarked on their official duties, commencing with a visit to Wales, specifically the island of Anglesey.

Despite their efforts, backlash ensued, with the petition challenging the Prince of Wales title attracting significant support.

Reportedly, William has no intentions of holding an investiture similar to the elaborate ceremony his father, III, had earlier this month.

Ahmed Scobie, the royal executive editor for Yahoo!

News, emphasized the importance of the royal couple staying attuned to the public sentiment amidst economic challenges faced by many Britons.

In an effort to avoid seeming out of touch, William has decided against replicating the grand investiture ceremony that marked his father's ascension to the title in 1969.

The Welsh community, familiar with the opulence of such events, welcomed this decision, recalling the past ceremony at Caernarfon Castle that stirred controversy during times of economic hardship, leading to protests and even a bomb plot.

Scobie stressed the necessity for the royal family to refrain from ostentatious displays of wealth, especially considering the mixed reactions to William and Kate's titles.

Over 35,000 individuals have signed the petition to abolish the Prince of Wales title, denouncing it as a symbol of historical oppression.

The call for a more modest approach is crucial to ensuring the monarchy's relevance amid the UK's ongoing cost-of-living crisis, exacerbated by warnings of interest rate hikes and currency devaluation.

Unlike the formal investiture ceremony Charles underwent in 1969, William aims to earn the trust and respect of the Welsh people gradually, rather than through a lavish ceremony.

The new Princess of Wales recognizes the heritage tied to her position but looks forward to shaping her own path.

Following discussions with Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, William expressed his dedication to serving the Welsh populace, emphasizing the importance of building trust and respect within the community.

During their recent visit to Swansea, William and Kate engaged with locals, including Reverend Stephen Bunting, who praised their commitment to their roles.

The couple's interactions with people of all ages showcased their genuine interest in fulfilling their duties as Prince and Princess of Wales.

William's eagerness to learn Welsh phrases like “pained” for a cup of tea reflects his sincere approach to embracing his role as the Prince of Wales.

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