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Rebecca Sinanez Calls for Change in Podcasting Industry

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Rebecca Sinanez Calls for Change in Podcasting Industry

Rebecca Sinanez, the former executive producer of 's debut podcast series, recently shared her insights on the podcasting landscape via TikTok.

This revelation comes on the heels of her departure from Archewell, the organization founded by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

In her video, Sinanez claimed her role as the creator of Spotify's “Archetypes,” taking a moment to critique a Hollywood Reporter article that spotlighted what it deemed the 40 most powerful figures in podcasting.

The list included well-known personalities like Joe Rogan and Conan O'Brien, along with various executives in the podcasting sector.

However, Sinanez expressed her frustration at being overlooked in the article.

“I'm the executive producer and creator of Archetypes hosted by Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex,” she stated, also mentioning her work on the podcast “Pivot” with Cara Swisher and Scott Galloway, the latter being included in the Hollywood list.

In her TikTok post, which she shared on her personal account @Rebsays, Sinanez emphasized that the true power players in podcasting aren't just the celebrity hosts or executives.

Instead, she argued, it's the producers who deserve recognition for their behind-the-scenes work.

“Producers edit, research, write, make scripts, make the sound good, score it.

Everything you love about your favorite podcast is because a producer made it,” she asserted, highlighting the often undervalued contributions of producers in the industry.

Sinanez lamented that producers are frequently undercredited and underpaid, leading to a stagnation in the podcasting world.

“Let's do better,” she urged, calling for a shift in how the industry values the people who truly make podcasts shine.

The day after posting her initial video on October 6, she clarified that her comments were not about her personal situation but rather an observation on the broader state of the podcast industry.

Having worked at Archewell for around 18 months, Sinanez had previously spoken glowingly about Meghan in an Instagram post celebrating the launch of “Archetypes” in August.

She expressed pride in their collaborative efforts and praised Meghan's ability to create an authentic and intimate space for discussion.

“Our experiences as women overlap.

Let's listen to women and lift one another up,” she had written, reflecting her commitment to empowering women through storytelling.

Looking ahead, Sinanez is set to launch her own podcast project, likely titled “Rebsay.”

Meanwhile, whispers of uncertainty surround Meghan's podcasting future, as rumors circulate that “Archetypes” may not be renewed.

While Meghan could continue producing the show, she would need to secure a new sponsorship deal, especially since reports indicate that Spotify sponsorship has ended.

In a twist, the departure of Mandana Dayani, who led Archewell for less than 18 months, has raised eyebrows.

Reports suggest that her exit was by mutual agreement, and insiders hint that she won't be replaced.

Some speculate that the Sussexes might be looking to distance themselves from their streaming contracts with Spotify and Netflix altogether.

This speculation has stirred the pot among royal fans, with some suggesting that financial constraints could be a factor in these recent changes.

Others have gone so far as to claim that Meghan and Harry may have dismissed Dayani, attributing the struggles of their projects to her management.

“Professionals stick it out unless fired,” one observer noted, questioning the timing of her departure so close to the year's end.

As the podcasting landscape continues to evolve, Rebecca Sinanez's candid remarks serve as a reminder of the often-overlooked individuals who bring stories to life.

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