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**Queen Elizabeth’s Heartfelt Words on Prince Philip’s Passing**

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**Queen Elizabeth’s Heartfelt Words on Prince Philip’s Passing**

shared a glimpse into 's emotions following the passing of her husband, , as he attended a church service alongside other members of the Royal Family.

The service, held at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge in Windsor, saw accompanied by his brother , the Countess of Wessex, and their daughter Lady Louise Windsor to pay tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh, who peacefully passed away on Friday morning.

In a candid moment with reporters and well-wishers after the prayer service, Prince Andrew disclosed that the Queen expressed the profound impact of losing her beloved husband, describing it as a monumental void in her life.

He conveyed, “The Queen, as you could expect, is an incredibly stoic person and she described his passing as a miracle and she is contemplating, is the way I would put it.”

Acknowledging the immense support surrounding the Queen during this time, Prince Andrew highlighted the family's unity in providing comfort and assistance.

He expressed gratitude for the overwhelming tributes pouring in from the public, recognizing the collective sense of loss felt not only within the royal family but also resonating with individuals worldwide who have suffered losses due to the pandemic.

Reflecting on his father's wise words shared months ago, Prince Andrew emphasized the universal experience of grief and the importance of compassion and leadership in such trying times.

He noted the touching messages and gestures of sympathy received, underscoring the significance of standing together in solidarity amidst shared sorrow.

Describing as a remarkable figure, Prince Andrew fondly reminisced about his father's calming presence and attentive nature, portraying him as a pillar of strength and support.

He lamented the profound loss felt by the royal family, likening the Duke of Edinburgh to a grandfather figure cherished by the nation.

Earlier in the day, Prince Andrew joined , Sophie Wessex, and Lady Louise Windsor in a solemn service at the Royal Chapel of All Saints, where they expressed gratitude to the congregation and Windsor estate staff for their unwavering support during this period of mourning.

A spokesperson from Buckingham Palace commended the royal family members for their outreach and appreciation towards those offering solace and assistance.

As the nation mourns the loss of Prince Philip, the heartfelt sentiments shared by Prince Andrew offer a poignant glimpse into the Queen's resilience and the collective spirit of unity prevailing within the royal family.

Amidst profound sorrow, the outpouring of tributes and gestures of solidarity serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of Prince Philip and the unwavering support surrounding during this period of bereavement.

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