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Psychic Predictions Spark Controversy Over Sussex Family Future

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Psychic Predictions Spark Controversy Over Sussex Family Future

In a captivating live stream episode, the psychic couple Craig and Jane took a deep dive into the future of and , particularly in light of the recent revelations from Omid Scobie's tell-all book, “Endgame.”

The discussion left viewers buzzing with anticipation as they explored the potential paths of the Sussex family, including their children, and .

Craig made a bold prediction that many found shocking, stating, “We think he'll probably get divorced, not in 2024.” This declaration sent ripples through the audience, as the implications of such a split were discussed in detail.

The psychic duo didn't hold back, offering a glimpse into what life might look like for Meghan post-divorce.

According to Craig, Meghan could face a stark reality where her ambitions might not materialize as she envisions.

He suggested that while she dreams of becoming a political figure or even the next Oprah, the truth is that without Harry, her public persona might diminish significantly.

“If it wasn't for Harry, she'd be absolutely zero,” he remarked, adding a layer of intrigue to the conversation.

As the speculation continued, attention turned to himself.

What would his next steps be if the couple were to part ways?

The psychics painted a picture of Harry making a grand return to the UK, where reconciliation with his father, , and brother, , would be essential.

Their idea of “burying the hatchet” certainly seems more regal than the average family squabble.

Jane chimed in with her insights, suggesting that the bond between Harry and Charles remains intact, hinting at a desire for continued contact.

She also addressed the future of Harry and Meghan's children, raising the critical question of custody.

The firstborn, , was registered in England, which Jane believes would influence decisions about where the children might reside.

The notion of royal blood running through Archie and 's veins adds another layer to the custody debate.

The psychics hinted that the children's royal lineage would necessitate a specific geographic location for them to thrive—namely, the UK.

This perspective underscores the complexities surrounding the Sussex family's future.

As viewers absorbed these predictions, one thing became clear: the potential challenges facing the Sussexes could be significant.

The idea that their worst fears might be on the horizon has sparked discussions among royal watchers and fans alike.

Are these psychic insights merely fanciful musings, or do they carry a grain of truth about the unfolding drama?

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