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Princess Kate’s Parenting Style Revealed: Rules for Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis

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Princess Kate’s Parenting Style Revealed: Rules for Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis

The royal children, Prince George, , and , not only have to adhere to strict royal protocols but also follow rules set by their parents, Princess Kate and .

The young royals are expected to conduct themselves appropriately when in the public eye, in addition to abiding by specific guidelines established by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Last year, the family of five made a significant move to Adelaide Cottage on the Windsor Estate, seeking more privacy for their children away from the bustling city life of London.

Despite their change in residence, the royal family maintains a set of stringent regulations that must be observed at all times.

Among the rules enforced by and Princess Kate is a ban on shouting within the household.

To maintain a peaceful and serene environment at home, the couple has implemented a no-shouting policy for their children.

According to a source cited by The Sun, the royal parents handle any instances of unruly behavior from the kids with calmness and composure, opting never to raise their voices.

If the children become too animated or boisterous, they are guided to a designated “chat sofa” where discussions take place in a composed manner, ensuring that explanations are provided and consequences are clearly outlined without resorting to yelling or harsh reprimands.

In a bid to normalize their children's upbringing, Prince William and Princess Kate have also established specific guidelines for the household staff.

Insights into the working dynamics within the royal residence were revealed in Valentine Lowe's book, “Courtiers, The Hidden Power Behind the Crown.”

It was disclosed that Prince William prefers a casual dress code for his staff, unless there are formal engagements or significant meetings requiring a more formal attire.

The relaxed atmosphere maintained by the Duke of Cambridge is aimed at creating a comfortable environment for both the family and the employees, allowing the children to freely interact within the household without feeling constrained by overly formal surroundings.

Following the recent display of ' playful antics at Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee, parenting experts commended Princess Kate's handling of her four-year-old son during the public event.

Renowned parenting expert Jo Frost, popularly known as Supernanny, shared her perspective on Prince Louis' behavior at the celebration.

Frost praised the young prince for his remarkable composure and adherence to royal protocol, considering his tender age.

She noted that the event provided a glimpse into Prince Louis' charming personality and unique temperament, which added a delightful touch to the occasion.

Frost highlighted the challenges faced by young children in such formal settings, emphasizing Prince Louis' resilience and endurance throughout the day's activities, showcasing his adaptability and poise amidst unfamiliar circumstances.

In light of the meticulous care and attention given to raising Prince George, , and Prince Louis, it is evident that Princess Kate and Prince William are dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for their children.

By instilling a sense of discipline through gentle guidance and fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere within their home, the royal couple continues to prioritize the well-being and development of their young heirs, ensuring that they navigate the demands of royal life with grace and resilience.

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