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**Princess Kate’s Brother, James Middleton, Honors Beloved Dog Ella in Emotional Farewell**

Photos: GETTY

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**Princess Kate’s Brother, James Middleton, Honors Beloved Dog Ella in Emotional Farewell**

James Middleton, the brother of Princess Kate, captured the public’s attention recently following the loss of his cherished dog, Ella.

In a touching revelation, he shared that his older sister, Kate, attended a heartfelt ceremony dedicated to his loyal companion.

Middleton, a successful businessman, reflected on the profound impact Ella had on his personal battle with depression and thoughts of suicide.

The duo shared a remarkable bond over their 15 years together, even serving as ambassadors for the Pets as Therapy Charity.

Recalling the poignant moment of laying Ella to rest, Middleton expressed the deep emotional toll it took on him.

He recounted spending four painstaking hours digging her final resting place, knowing that it marked their ultimate farewell.

Surrounded by family members bidding their goodbyes, Middleton acknowledged Ella’s significant influence not only on his life but also on those around him.

Notably, Lupo, the dog of Catherine and William, is one of Ella’s offspring, with Middleton’s sister Pippa and other family members also having dogs descended from Ella.

The solemn burial likely took place at Middleton’s residence in Berkshire, where he resides with his wife, Alice Thevenet, on a picturesque country estate.

Alongside Ella, the couple shares their home with a pack of furry companions named Zulu, Inca, Luna, Mabel, and Nola.

Reflecting on the unwavering support of his sisters, Middleton expressed gratitude for their steadfast presence during challenging times.

He emphasized their enduring support, stating that they stood by him through his toughest moments.

Last week, an outpouring of sympathy and support flooded in for Middleton as he shared the heartbreaking news of Ella’s passing.

Accompanied by a poignant black and white portrait of his beloved pup, he announced Ella’s peaceful departure after a brief illness.

Describing the profound bond they shared over the years, Middleton expressed his deep sorrow at the loss of his faithful companion.

Despite bracing himself for this inevitable moment, he admitted that bidding farewell to Ella was no less difficult.

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