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Princess Eugenie’s Instagram Live Debut Hits a Snag

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Princess Eugenie’s Instagram Live Debut Hits a Snag

In a bid to raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking, took to Instagram Live for the first time today.

The event, which aimed to spotlight her charity, The Anti-Slavery Collective, got off to a bumpy start.

Technical difficulties plagued the session, and the absence of co-founder Julia de Boyneville added to the challenges faced by the princess and her guest, activist Marisol Nichols.

As the live stream began, Eugenie expressed her uncertainty.

“This is my first Instagram Live for my channel.

I do not know what to do,” she admitted candidly.

Her honesty resonated with viewers, who could empathize with the pressures of navigating new technology.

Despite the hiccups, she pressed on, encouraged by the team behind her.

Eugenie's commitment to tackling modern slavery is evident in her recent endeavors.

She has visited schools to discuss the issue and launched a podcast dedicated to raising awareness.

Meanwhile, has been actively supporting research into the monarchy's historical ties to the transatlantic slave trade, highlighting a growing recognition of the royal family's past.

During the live session, Eugenie emphasized the power of voices in effecting change.

“It's really amazing how people can use their voices to do such amazing things and try to change the world,” she remarked.

She believes that spreading awareness is crucial, especially given the alarming statistics surrounding modern slavery.

According to a report by Walkfree, the International Labour Organization, and the International Organization for Migration, approximately 49.6 million people are currently trapped in modern slavery, including forced marriages and labor exploitation.

The princess pointed out that children represent a staggering quarter of these victims.

“The scary thing about this problem is that it affects 50 million people worldwide.

It is a growing and changing problem,” she stated.

Her words serve as a wake-up call, urging the public to recognize their potential role in combating this crisis.

Eugenie encouraged viewers to take action, no matter how small.

“You can educate yourself.

You can inspire your community.

You can volunteer for an organization,” she suggested.

She even highlighted the importance of sharing professional skills, noting that lawyers could offer valuable legal advice to those in need.

Amidst discussions about her royal duties, there's been speculation regarding Eugenie's increasing prominence within the royal family.

This comes at a time when the monarchy is undergoing significant changes, and her work on modern slavery is positioning her as a vital voice in the conversation about the monarchy's past and present.

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