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**Princess Diana Statue Unveiled at Kensington Palace**

Photos: GETTY

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**Princess Diana Statue Unveiled at Kensington Palace**

A stunning statue of , commissioned by her adoring sons William and Harry, has been unveiled at her former residence, Kensington Palace.

The artwork, revealed today, depicts the beloved royal standing elegantly with three children, donning a chic high-waisted skirt paired with a striking belt.

The unveiling sparked curiosity among fans, prompting questions about the identity of the children featured in the statue.

The heartwarming story behind their inclusion has now been disclosed.

According to Kensington Palace, the children symbolize the timeless and intergenerational impact of 's humanitarian work.

It has been disclosed that the depiction of the princess and the design of her attire were inspired by the final phase of her life, during which she exuded confidence.

The Palace elaborated that the figure of Diana, Princess of Wales, is encircled by three children, emblematic of the enduring and multi-generational influence of her charitable endeavors.

The portrait and attire were inspired by the latter part of her life, reflecting her growing self-assurance in her role as a global ambassador for humanitarian causes, aiming to convey her essence of character and compassion.

In front of the statue lies a paving stone inscribed with a passage from the poem “The Measure of a Man,” featured in the program for Diana's 2007 memorial service.

Renowned sculptor Ian Rank expressed, “Diana, Princess of Wales, was an icon whose impact transcended borders, so collaborating with and on this statue, commemorating her legacy, has been an honor.”

He further added, “Our aim was to capture her warmth and empathy while highlighting the profound influence she had across different generations.

I trust that visitors will find solace in visiting the statue and the sunken garden, taking a moment to reflect on the remarkable princess.”

The statue was unveiled by Diana's sons, William and Harry, in a brief ceremony attended by a select group of guests, including Diana's siblings and members of the fundraising committee for the statue.

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