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Princess Charlotte’s Surprising Home Rules Under a Strict Nanny

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Princess Charlotte’s Surprising Home Rules Under a Strict Nanny

In the world of royalty, even the youngest members have to follow some pretty strict guidelines.

, along with her brothers Prince George and , is no exception.

Their nanny, Maria Borrello, has been entrusted with their care and she brings a no-nonsense approach to the job.

Appointed by and , Maria has a reputation for being one of the best nannies around, thanks to her training at Norland College.

Maria joined the royal family back in 2014, when Prince George was just eight months old.

Since then, she has become an integral part of their lives, even living at Kensington Palace.

This close proximity means she often accompanies the family on royal tours and trips, ensuring that the children maintain a sense of normalcy, despite their extraordinary circumstances.

Borrello's methods might raise eyebrows, but they're rooted in a firm belief in structure.

According to Norland expert Louise Herron, chaos is simply not an option in this household.

When the family steps off a plane, you can expect to see them smiling and waving, not crying or throwing tantrums.

That's all thanks to Maria's strict adherence to established rules.

One of the key rules is a strict bedtime of 7 p.m. every night.

For young children, a consistent sleep schedule can be crucial for their development.

But it doesn't stop there; Maria also addresses fussy eating habits by introducing new foods and flavors every few days.

This strategy helps the kids develop a diverse palate and encourages healthy eating from an early age.

Outdoor play is another non-negotiable rule in the Borrello household.

No matter the weather, the royal trio is expected to engage in outdoor activities.

From cycling and playing with their dogs to gardening, Maria ensures that the children get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

Her philosophy?

There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.

In line with traditional Norland practices, the nanny emphasizes learning through play.

The children are encouraged to engage with classic games, such as jigsaw puzzles, which promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

This approach not only keeps them entertained but also helps in their cognitive development.

When it comes to screen time, however, the decision rests with and Kate.

They've openly admitted that managing screen time has been a challenge for them.

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