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Princess Charlotte: The Spitting Image of Prince William

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Princess Charlotte: The Spitting Image of Prince William

In a delightful twist of royal resemblance, even is taken aback by how much mirrors him as a child.

Over the years, fans have often debated which of the Cambridge children resembles their parents more closely.

However, it seems that the Duke of Cambridge is firmly convinced that his daughter is his mini-me after spotting a throwback photo of himself that he initially mistook for Charlotte.

Social media has been buzzing with comparisons between William and his children, particularly .

A recent side-by-side image showcased Charlotte riding in a carriage during the Trooping the Colour event in 2022 alongside a young William in a similar setting from 1987.

The uncanny resemblance sparked a flurry of comments from royal enthusiasts.

One fan tweeted, “She is definitely his mini-me,” while another remarked, “She really favors him.” Others chimed in, suggesting that she might also resemble her late grandmother, .

The royal family's likenesses don't just stop at fan observations.

During a 2020 event at the Kiedemath centers, himself found it hard to distinguish between a childhood photo of him and a picture of Charlotte.

As they were shown cupcakes adorned with family photos, one image caught his eye.

“Is that me?

Doesn't it look like Charlotte?” he asked, clearly astonished.

Kate quickly agreed, saying, “It looks so much like Charlotte.” When it was confirmed that the photo was indeed of a young William, he exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, that looks just like Charlotte.

It's incredible; I haven't seen that before.”

While William sees the striking resemblance between himself and Charlotte, reportedly believes that only one of their children resembles her, and that's .

After the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, Kate reflected on the time spent with her family and how much her kids had grown.

According to a source who spoke to People, when fans comment on Louis's resemblance to her, she finds it sweet and enjoys the attention.

“Everyone always comments on how Louis is the spitting image of Kate,” the source shared.

Kate often jokes about Louis being the only child who truly looks like her, and she takes pride in this resemblance.

Her motherly affection shines through when she talks about Louis, expressing how proud she is of him.

This light-hearted banter among the royal couple about their children's looks adds a relatable touch to their public personas.

As royal watchers continue to analyze the family's features, it's clear that the Cambridge children are a blend of both parents.

While Charlotte may be a mini-version of William, Louis's resemblance to Kate brings balance to the royal gene pool.

It's fascinating to see how these familial traits manifest, reminding us that even royals share common experiences of parenthood.

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