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**Princess Catherine Spreads Joy and Comfort Among Youngsters**

Photos: GETTY

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**Princess Catherine Spreads Joy and Comfort Among Youngsters**

Princess Catherine, known for her natural ease with children, displayed her charming demeanor as she comforted a brave young boy who had taken a tumble off his bike.

During a visit to the Outfit Moray charity in Scotland, the Princess of Wales, aged 41, engaged warmly with very young supporters, high-fiving them effortlessly.

The royal even knelt down to reassure a child that falling off a bike is all part of the learning process.

Kindly, she encouraged the shy boy to get back on his bike and try again, showing her caring nature.

In another heartwarming moment, Princess Catherine playfully introduced herself as 's wife to a group of curious children who were eager to know who she was.

Donning a helmet, she even hopped on a mountain bike, much to the delight of the young bike enthusiasts present.

As the children waved Scottish flags and held onto the princess's hand, the joy and excitement in the air were palpable.

During their visit to the North of Scotland, the royal couple, William and Kate, delighted the crowd with an impromptu display of their biking skills.

Putting on crash helmets, they rode road bikes through a series of ramps and obstacles set up in community gardens in Burghead, Moray.

The onlookers cheered on William and Kate as they showcased their adventurous spirit and support for charity Outfit Moray, which organizes outdoor learning and adventure programs for young people.

Prior to their bike ride, William and Kate engaged with the charity's chief executive and a group of schoolchildren, showing genuine interest in the activities and sports the youngsters enjoyed.

The couple's visit drew a large crowd, with hundreds of people lining the town's main street to catch a glimpse of the royal pair and capture memorable photos of the special occasion.

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