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Prince William’s Donation Revelation Shocks High Court

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Prince William’s Donation Revelation Shocks High Court

testified in the High Court today, revealing the astonishing amount his brother, , was paid to drop his phone hacking case against The Sun's publisher.

This testimony is part of Harry's ongoing legal battle against Mirror Group Newspapers.

Earlier this year, the Duke of Sussex disclosed that Rupert Murdoch's media company had settled with in 2020.

However, it was only today that Harry disclosed the exact sum his brother received.

He stated that Prince William was paid a substantial £1 million to cease pursuing the case.

Remarkably, Prince William selflessly donated the entire settlement to Harry's charity, Invictus.

The revelation that Prince William did not retain any of the money from the lawsuit settlement has raised eyebrows.

Instead, he directed the funds towards charitable causes, including Invictus and an anti-bullying organization.

It has been suggested that there might have been an understanding between the palace and NGM, indicating prior knowledge of the payout.

A source close to one of William's associates hinted that Harry might be privy to the details of the settlement due to William's charitable contributions to veterans.

Notably, Harry serves as the patron of the Invictus Games, where the donations from William are managed by the Sussexes.

Recent rumors have surfaced alleging that Meghan, Harry's wife, misappropriated funds intended for veterans.

It was speculated that she diverted the money for personal use and falsely claimed it was for an Invictus-related project.

Furthermore, Netflix accused her of using project funds for luxury clothing purchases, sparking discontent among veterans.

The film budget, initially supposed to be covered by Netflix and Artwell, was reportedly compromised when Meghan diverted funds from the Invictus Games without authorization.

Prince William, unaware of these financial discrepancies, had entrusted Meghan with the veterans' funds, unaware of her unauthorized actions within the organization.

In an attempt to sway his American supporters, Harry has attempted to portray William's settlement as part of a questionable deal rather than a legitimate resolution.

However, this strategy backfired as it inadvertently exposed Harry and Meghan's involvement in mishandling veterans' funds.

Harry's legal battle with Mirror Group Newspapers, unrelated to phone hacking, has now been intertwined with financial controversies, hinting at his underlying motives for seeking compensation.

Despite being offered £200,000 initially, Harry declined the sum, insisting on parity with his brother's settlement amount.

The intricacies of the financial mismanagement involving Meghan have come under scrutiny, with demands for forensic accounting and restitution from Netflix.

Allegations of unauthorized expenditures and lack of official roles within Invictus have cast shadows over Meghan's actions.

Calls for investigation and accountability have grown louder, emphasizing the need for transparency and adherence to legal standards.

As the saga unfolds, the spotlight remains on Meghan's questionable financial dealings and the repercussions she may face for her actions.

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