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**Prince Harry’s Witness Statement Reveals Controversial Omissions**

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**Prince Harry’s Witness Statement Reveals Controversial Omissions**

As took the stand in London's High Court, a 55-page witness statement was unveiled to the public.

The statement, comprising 25,538 words, serves as pivotal evidence in his legal battle against the publishers of the Daily Mirror, focusing on 33 articles.

Notably, Harry's declaration includes precise details of his own birth date but only provides the month and year for his children's births, wedding date, and the year he met .

Upon reviewing the document, the judge raised eyebrows at the absence of full birth dates for Harry's children.

Speculation arose regarding whether the discrepancies were due to inaccuracies in the reported dates.

Similarly, the omission of his actual wedding date led to questions about Meghan's claim of an earlier secret ceremony in the garden.

The uncertainty surrounding the month of his initial encounter with Meghan further puzzled the court.

Under oath, Harry was pressed by the judge to disclose his children's birth dates in full.

However, he refrained from divulging specifics, citing the necessity for truthfulness in his statement under the threat of perjury.

This predicament leaves Harry in a precarious position, torn between revealing potentially incriminating details and upholding the integrity of his testimony.

The scrutiny intensified as suspicions arose that Harry may be concealing dubious information.

The decision to withhold certain dates could be construed as an attempt to avoid perjury charges or to shield inconsistencies in his narrative.

The absence of accurate dates for significant life events raises doubts about the transparency of his testimony.

The Duke of Sussex returned to court for his final day of testimony, exhibiting a blend of nerves and determination.

As he faced questioning, Harry appeared cautious, perhaps indicating a reluctance to provide detailed responses that could compromise his position.

Despite his professed commitment to journalistic integrity, doubts lingered about the authenticity of his motivations and the veracity of his statements.

Harry's self-portrayal as a champion of journalism and a defender of moral principles was juxtaposed with his evasiveness during questioning.

His tendency to veer off course and dwell on personal grievances hinted at underlying tensions and complexities within his testimony.

The prince's guarded demeanor and reliance on a select few individuals for support underscored the isolation and pressure he faces in navigating his legal challenges.

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