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Prince Harry’s Unexpected Snub: A Royal Faux Pas on the Plane

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Prince Harry’s Unexpected Snub: A Royal Faux Pas on the Plane

In a surprising turn of events, recently made headlines for an offhand remark that left reporters scratching their heads.

The incident occurred during a long-haul flight back to the UK after a whirlwind 16-day tour with across Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand in 2018.

This tour, which coincided with the Invictus Games in Sydney, was marked by joyous moments, including the announcement of Meghan's pregnancy.

However, it also brought to light some uncomfortable interactions between the Duke of Sussex and the media.

As the couple wrapped up their extensive tour, the atmosphere among the traveling press was a mix of exhaustion and anticipation.

Journalists were eagerly waiting for their customary informal chat with the royal couple at the back of the plane—a tradition aimed at fostering goodwill and camaraderie.

Unfortunately, this time, that interaction never materialized until the very end of the flight.

Valentin Law, a former royal correspondent, recounted the experience on a recent episode of the A Right Royal podcast.

He shared how, after being separated from their families for over two weeks, the reporters were looking forward to that informal moment with Harry and Meghan.

“We were promised they would come to chat with us,” Law explained, “but it just didn't happen.”

The flight dragged on for four to five hours, and as the landing approached, the hope for a casual conversation dwindled.

It wasn't until they landed that the couple finally made their way to the back of the plane, with Harry leading the way and Meghan trailing behind.

The atmosphere was tense, and the journalists were left feeling somewhat neglected.

When they finally arrived, Meghan offered a peculiar comment about wanting to come back for Sunday lunch, which seemed out of place given the circumstances.

But it was Harry's remark that truly caught everyone off guard.

He thanked the reporters for their presence, saying, “Thank you so much for coming, even though you weren't invited.”

That statement hit like a ton of bricks, leaving the journalists in stunned silence.

Law recalled the mixed reactions, noting that it felt like a blatant dismissal of their hard work and dedication throughout the tour.

His words resonated with many in the room, who were taken aback by the unexpected rudeness.

Following the incident, Law mentioned that Harry's private secretary later expressed concern about the comment.

The secretary acknowledged that the remark had not been well-received, highlighting the disconnect between the royals and the press.

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