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Prince Harry’s New Venture: Life Coaching with a Twist

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Prince Harry’s New Venture: Life Coaching with a Twist

, known for his royal lineage and high-profile life, is making headlines once again, but this time it's for his unconventional academic pursuits.

Having left Eton College with less-than-stellar grades in Geography and Art, he's now charting a new course that raises eyebrows.

Instead of opting for the traditional university route, he has taken a leap into the military world by joining the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

While Harry insists he has no regrets about his educational path, his latest career move might lead many to question his qualifications even further.

In a surprising twist, Harry has stepped into the role of Chief Impact Officer at BetterUp, a mental health company based in Silicon Valley.

Since his appointment in March 2021, which reportedly comes with a hefty salary exceeding one million dollars, he has positioned himself as a vocal advocate for preventive mental fitness.

However, the company is now set to launch BetterUp University, an online institution that will offer degrees in life coaching through its newly patented platform.

This new venture aims to provide education in various areas, including life coaching, professional coaching, personal development, and career development.

Yet, one can't help but chuckle at the irony of Harry heading up a life coaching university when his own academic record is far from exemplary.

It's not every day you see someone with barely passing A-levels trying to teach others how to achieve success in life.

Adding to the irony, Harry has faced backlash for missing a free online live stream during a San Francisco summit hosted by BetterUp.

Instead of engaging with the company's offerings, he was spotted at an extravagant event called Beyond Burnout, which had ticket prices soaring to $1,200.

This raises an interesting question: Does Harry prefer lavish events over the free resources that his own company provides?

As we ponder the curriculum of BetterUp University, it's hard not to imagine some rather amusing course offerings.

Perhaps there will be classes like “Advanced Grifting” or “Word Salad 101.” Maybe they'll even include a module on being a “Narcissistic Hypocrite” or “Playing the Victim.” And who could forget the potential for a course on flunking out of Eton while simultaneously getting a teacher fired?

For those intrigued by the practical aspects of earning a degree from this institution, there's an important catch: California does not require life coaches to hold any certification to practice.

This raises concerns that BetterUp University could simply be another overpriced program designed to exploit people's desire for guidance.

The existence of this university may also exemplify the sunk cost fallacy, where students invest time and money only to find themselves stuck in low-paying jobs or mired in a cycle of over-certification.

Many are questioning whether this venture is merely a cash grab, especially considering BetterUp's reputation.

Reports on platforms like Glassdoor reveal significant staff dissatisfaction, painting a picture of a company that may not be the best choice for aspiring professionals.

With Harry at the helm of this initiative, it seems like a perfect storm of questionable judgment and opportunism.

So, who exactly will look to for life coaching advice?

Likely, those who are feeling lost and desperate for direction, despite his own less-than-inspirational track record.

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