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# Prince Harry’s Memoir Sparks Outrage: Is He Still the ‘Spare’?

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# Prince Harry’s Memoir Sparks Outrage: Is He Still the ‘Spare’?

The announcement of 's memoir, titled “Spare,” has ignited a firestorm of criticism on social media, particularly on Twitter.

The hashtag #PrinceHarryIsATraitor is trending, reflecting a wave of discontent among royal watchers and fans alike.

The title seems to have struck a nerve, as many believe it underscores Harry's ongoing struggle with his identity within the royal family.

For much of his life, Harry was known as the “spare” to his brother, , the heir to the British throne.

However, with William now having three children, Harry has dropped to fifth in line for the crown.

Critics are questioning why he would choose to embrace this label, especially since he hasn't been the “spare” for nearly a decade.

They argue that it's time for him to move forward and let go of the past.

Social media reactions have been swift and harsh.

One commentator expressed disbelief that someone who stopped being the spare nine years ago would still cling to that title.

They pointed out that Harry's status changed forever when Prince George was born in July 2013, marking a significant shift in the royal hierarchy.

This sentiment echoes a growing frustration that Harry needs to accept his place and stop dwelling on bygone titles.

Some users have even threatened to boycott the memoir.

One tweet read, “Boycott the Spare's book.

Let it flop and cause him a quarter of the misery he put upon his grandparents on their final days.”

This kind of backlash highlights a broader sense of disappointment among those who feel Harry has exploited his royal background for personal gain.

YouTuber According to Taz weighed in, suggesting that the memoir will be framed through a lens of victimhood, heavily influenced by .

They expressed a reluctance to support a project that they believe has already caused significant hurt, particularly to the late II during her final years.

A palpable sense of sympathy for has also emerged.

Many observers lament the loss of the brotherly bond, citing Harry's apparent self-delusion and narcissism.

One commenter shared their own experience of estrangement, linking it to the emotional turmoil that Harry seems to embody.

Critics have drawn comparisons between the brothers' experiences.

While both faced the trauma of losing their mother at a young age, William has chosen not to profit from that pain.

His decision to maintain a more private and dignified approach has resonated with many, contrasting sharply with Harry's public revelations.

Piers Morgan, a well-known critic of the Sussexes, didn't hold back on Twitter.

He described Harry as a “petulant, selfish, greedy, hypocritical brat,” suggesting that the memoir is yet another attempt to tarnish the royal family's reputation.

Morgan's comments reflect a broader sentiment that Harry's actions could overshadow significant royal events, such as 's upcoming coronation.

The backlash against Harry's memoir has sparked vigorous discussions online.

Meghan McCain, for instance, questioned whether the title was intentionally provocative, to which Morgan affirmed that it indeed plays on the “heir and spare” dynamic.

This exchange illustrates the divisive nature of Harry's choices and how they are perceived by the public.

Amidst the uproar, former BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt remarked on the emotional weight carried by a single word in the title.

The power behind “Spare” resonates with many, evoking a sense of loss and the complexities of royal duty.

As the release date approaches, the anticipation surrounding “Spare” continues to build.

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