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Prince Harry’s Legal Battle: Last-Minute Evidence Submission Denied

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Prince Harry’s Legal Battle: Last-Minute Evidence Submission Denied

The ongoing legal battle involving took an unexpected turn as his lawyers faced a setback in court today.

The judge dealt a blow to 's legal team when they attempted to submit new evidence at the eleventh hour.

This evidence, in the form of a letter from a journalist involved in the case, was deemed by Prince Harry's lawyer, David Sherborne, as crucial in proving unlawful information activity related to an article under scrutiny.

The letter reportedly contained direct evidence regarding the origin of the information in question, specifically concerning voice note interception post-2006 related to the Duke of Sussex.

When questioned by the judge about the late submission of this evidence, Sherborne argued that it was highly relevant to determining whether Prince Harry had been a victim of unlawful information gathering.

However, the judge expressed skepticism about the timing of the evidence submission, highlighting the need for a clear endpoint in the proceedings.

Despite Sherborne's insistence that only the letter be submitted and not the journalist as a witness, the judge deemed the application optimistic and raised concerns about setting a precedent for late evidence submissions.

Andrew Green Casey, representing Mirror Group newspapers, echoed the judge's sentiments, asserting that the evidence was brought forward too late and lacked credibility.

He cautioned against allowing such last-minute submissions, emphasizing the need for a fair and transparent legal process.

Sherborne's plea for the judge to consider the letter for open justice was met with resistance from both the judge and Green Casey, who viewed it as an attempt to circumvent proper legal procedures.

The judge ultimately ruled against admitting the letter as evidence, citing concerns about fairness to the defendants and the integrity of the trial process.

As the court proceedings continued, Green Casey presented closing arguments on behalf of Mirror Group newspapers, while Sherborne prepared to make his final statements on behalf of Prince Harry and other claimants later in the day.

The trial is set to conclude shortly, with the judge expected to deliver a final ruling at a later date, marking the culmination of a contentious legal battle with implications for all parties involved.

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