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Prince Harry’s Jealousy Towards William and Kate Unmasked

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Prince Harry’s Jealousy Towards William and Kate Unmasked

Former royal butler, Paul Burrell, has lauded and Princess Kate as a formidable duo, asserting that there is no valid reason for criticism against them.

He attributes 's disparaging remarks towards his brother and sister-in-law to nothing more than petty jealousy.

Burrell commended the future King and Queen for their concerted efforts in connecting with the public, emphasizing the admirable approach they have taken in preparing for their future roles.

Following their decision to step down as senior members of the royal family in 2020 and relocate to the United States, and have consistently portrayed their time within the institution in a negative light.

Their highly controversial interview with in 2021 levied damaging accusations against the royal family, while subsequent revelations in the Netflix docuseries and Harry's memoirs further exposed sensitive information about the inner workings of the monarchy.

Despite the onslaught of allegations, , Princess Kate, and other members of the royal family have largely refrained from directly addressing the multitude of claims made against them.

While acknowledging the gravity of the issues raised around matters of race, they have maintained a dignified silence in response to the ongoing scrutiny.

In a candid conversation with Slingo, Paul Burrell extolled the virtues of the Prince and Princess of Wales, emphasizing William's exceptional qualities and the collective strength of the couple.

Burrell expressed his admiration for William and Kate's conscientious approach to their royal duties, highlighting their genuine efforts to engage with the British public in a meaningful way.

He underscored the importance of the couple's gradual acclimatization to their future roles, noting that they are diligently laying the groundwork for their eventual ascension to the throne.

In contrast, Burrell alluded to Prince Harry's tendency to criticize his family members, suggesting that such behavior stems from a sense of envy rather than substantive grievances.

Reports have surfaced indicating that Prince Harry may harbor a desire to return to the United Kingdom, given his purported struggles to fully adapt to life in Los Angeles compared to Meghan, who is more familiar with the city.

However, there are doubts within the royal circles regarding the reception Harry might receive should he decide to come back to his homeland.

Ephraim Hardcastle, writing in the Daily Mail, speculated that Prince William may not be enthusiastic about assuming financial responsibilities for his younger brother's family upon their potential return.

According to Hardcastle, as the Prince of Wales, William receives a substantial annual allowance from the Duchy of Cornwall, which supports his immediate family.

The prospect of accommodating Harry and Meghan's financial needs could strain William's resources, potentially jeopardizing the financial stability of his own household.

Notably, Prince Charles reportedly cautioned Prince Harry about the limitations of the royal finances when he married Meghan in 2018, hinting at the potential challenges that may arise if the Sussexes were to return to the UK.

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