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**Prince Harry’s Health Scare: Rumors of Overdose and Control**

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**Prince Harry’s Health Scare: Rumors of Overdose and Control**

Royal commentator Daniela Elsa has shed light on the recent downfall of 's public image since relocating to the United States with .

In a recent piece for Australia, Elsa highlighted the stark contrast in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's status compared to a few years ago.

She emphasized that the couple no longer hold the same influential positions they once did and have struggled to establish themselves in their new environment.

Following the aftermath of Megxit, where the Sussexes distanced themselves from the royal family, there were high expectations for them to become global icons.

However, Elsa pointed out that their trajectory has taken a different turn, with their influence waning significantly.

The couple's decision to break away from traditional royal duties was initially seen as bold and revolutionary, but Elsa suggested that the reality has been less glamorous than anticipated.

Amidst the scrutiny surrounding and , rumors have surfaced claiming that Prince Harry is currently hospitalized due to an overdose.

Lady C, a prominent figure, has addressed these rumors, acknowledging that while Harry may be struggling with addiction, the veracity of the hospitalization claims remains questionable.

Lady C expressed sympathy towards Harry if the rumors were true, highlighting the challenges he may be facing in private.

Lady C further delved into the dynamics within the Sussex household, hinting at Doria Ragland's role in supporting Prince Harry.

According to Lady C, Doria plays a significant role in managing Harry's well-being and ensuring he receives the care he needs.

Despite the rumors of a hospitalization, Lady C suggested that Harry's struggles with substance use are being managed internally, without the need for external intervention.

In addition to addressing Prince Harry's health rumors, Lady C also touched upon Meghan Markle's recent absence from the Golden Globes ceremony.

Contrary to speculation, Lady C revealed that the decision to exclude Meghan from the event was not a surprise, as the Suits cast reportedly made it clear that they would only participate if Meghan was not involved.

Lady C hinted at underlying tensions within the cast, implying that Meghan's presence would have overshadowed their contributions.

The revelation regarding Meghan Markle's exclusion from the Golden Globes shed light on the complexities of her relationships within the entertainment industry.

Lady C hinted at potential conflicts and disagreements that may have influenced the decision to keep Meghan away from the event.

The cast members' reluctance to share the spotlight with Meghan further underscored the challenges she faces in navigating her public image.

As the rumors surrounding Prince Harry's health and Meghan Markle's professional engagements continue to circulate, the dynamics within the Sussex household remain under scrutiny.

Lady C's insights provide a glimpse into the complexities of royal life and the challenges faced by members of the royal family as they navigate public expectations and personal struggles.

The evolving narratives surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle offer a glimpse into the intricacies of their lives beyond the public eye.

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