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Prince Harry’s Family Feud: Unpacking the Tensions Over Meghan Markle

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Prince Harry’s Family Feud: Unpacking the Tensions Over Meghan Markle

What's the deal with 's ongoing family drama, especially regarding his wife, ?

Recently, Meghan stirred the pot during a Netflix docuseries, claiming that the royal family typecast her because she's an American actress.

But let's take a step back and examine this assertion.

First off, it's essential to clarify that the royals didn't pigeonhole Meghan due to her career.

They've welcomed other actresses into their fold without any issues.

Just look at Christina Bonas, who dated Harry before Meghan.

She's an actress too, yet the royals never seemed to mind her profession.

Sophie Winkleman, married to Lord Frederick Windsor, is another example.

Sophie has publicly shared how warmly the family embraced her, demonstrating that there was no bias against her acting career.

Moreover, the royal family has a history of inclusivity that contradicts Meghan's claims.

employed a black female courtier for over ten years, showcasing a commitment to diversity within the palace walls.

Additionally, the late Queen had a black equerry who gained public attention during the wedding of and Catherine Middleton.

This history suggests that Meghan's struggle to fit in may stem from other factors rather than her ethnicity or career.

It's worth noting that Meghan seemed to have a skewed perception of royal life.

She appeared to think being a royal was all about glitz and glamour—attending cocktail parties and enjoying the spotlight.

However, the reality is that being part of the royal family requires hard work and dedication, something Meghan may not have been prepared for.

In his memoir, “Spare,” Harry discusses his emotional journey, including his relationship with Cressida Bonas.

He reflects on how she helped him confront his feelings, particularly after the death of his mother.

Their relationship lasted from 2012 to 2014, ending amicably, but it was significant in Harry's life.

Cressida played a pivotal role in helping him break down his emotional barriers, allowing him to express grief he hadn't confronted since childhood.

Harry recalls a moment of vulnerability with Cressida, where he opened up about his feelings.

Sitting on her bed, he realized that she was also processing similar emotions.

It was a poignant exchange, underscoring their deep connection.

The breakup, while sad, did not sever their friendship; they remained on good terms even after parting ways.

Interestingly, despite the end of their romantic relationship, Harry and Meghan invited Cressida to their wedding in 2018.

This gesture highlights the amicable nature of their split and suggests that Harry values the relationships he formed during different phases of his life.

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