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**Prince Harry’s Decision Sparks Concern for Children’s Safety**

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**Prince Harry’s Decision Sparks Concern for Children’s Safety**

Renowned royal author and commentator Angela Levin has raised alarm about the safety and well-being of and 's children, and .

In a recent analysis, Levin delves into the potential repercussions of Harry's actions, which could lead to his expulsion from the United States without his family, sending shockwaves through the public.

Levin's insights shed light on the uncertainties surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's future, especially in the aftermath of their lucrative deals with streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify.

The looming threat of Harry's possible banishment from the US due to alleged drug use has sparked widespread concern and speculation among experts and the general public alike.

The couple's involvement in various projects, including Meghan's reported work on a feminist reinterpretation of Dickens' Great Expectations titled Bad Manners, adds another layer of complexity to their already tumultuous situation.

With Meghan secluded at home and Harry's uncertain status in the US, questions arise about the couple's ability to navigate these challenges and maintain their family unit.

Amidst the growing uncertainties, Levin highlights the pressing issue of Harry's potential separation from his children and the emotional toll it may take on all involved.

The lack of clarity regarding Harry's future in America intensifies fears about the family's stability and raises questions about the couple's long-term prospects.

As commentators and observers ponder the fate of the Sussexes, Levin emphasizes the fragile nature of their current circumstances.

The couple's future hangs in the balance, with each decision carrying significant implications for their personal and professional lives.

The mounting anxieties surrounding their situation underscore the precariousness of their position in the public eye.

In light of these developments, concerns about the couple's future collaborations with major entertainment platforms and their ability to sustain their public image loom large.

The intricate web of challenges facing Harry and Meghan underscores the complexities of their position and the potential risks they face in the coming months.

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