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Prince Harry’s Controversial Childhood Incident Resurfaces Amid Advocacy Efforts

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Prince Harry’s Controversial Childhood Incident Resurfaces Amid Advocacy Efforts

, now a proud father of two, has long been an advocate for various causes, particularly mental health and anti-racism.

His commitment to these issues took a dramatic turn in March 2021 when he and his wife, , made explosive claims during an interview with .

They alleged that the British royal family harbored racist sentiments, a revelation that sent shockwaves through the nation and beyond.

In light of this ongoing discussion about race and privilege, royal correspondent Robert Jobson has brought attention to a troubling incident from Harry's childhood in his new book, *Our King*.

According to Jobson, there was a time when young Harry himself allegedly made a racially insensitive remark.

This incident occurred during a family outing with his mother, , and his brother, .

The report suggests that while on a London bus, Harry mimicked the accent of a Sikh bus driver, which understandably caused discomfort.

The Sikh community, rooted in northern India, has a rich cultural heritage, and mocking someone's accent can be deeply hurtful.

Jobson recounts that every time a passenger pressed the bell to get off, Harry would imitate the driver's distinct Punjabi accent, much to Diana's chagrin.

As the story goes, Diana quickly intervened, instructing Harry to stop his mimicry, as it was not only disrespectful but also embarrassing.

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