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Prince Harry’s Accusations Leave Royal Family on Edge

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Prince Harry’s Accusations Leave Royal Family on Edge

In a shocking revelation, a close friend of has shared with the Daily Beast that 's recent accusations against the monarchy have effectively severed any remaining ties with his family.

According to this insider, Harry claims that the royal institution conditioned him and deliberately withheld crucial information regarding phone hacking to prevent him from exposing sensitive issues in court.

This explosive statement comes at a precarious time, just weeks before the King's coronation.

The friend elaborated that both and opted not to meet Harry during his recent visit to the UK, emphasizing that “the trust is gone.” This sentiment underscores the deep rift that has developed within the royal family, particularly as Harry stands alongside six other claimants, including Surrelt and John, in a legal battle against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), the publisher of the Daily Mail.

They allege that their privacy was invaded through unethical practices, including the use of private detectives to intercept calls and voicemails, as well as installing tracking devices in their vehicles and homes.

ANL has vehemently denied these allegations.

This friend of the King expressed concern over the timing of Harry's remarks, noting that with the coronation looming, such accusations are the last thing Charles needs.

The refusal to meet Harry has raised eyebrows, especially since Charles' office cited a busy schedule as the reason for the snub.

The insider remarked that it has become abundantly clear that trust has eroded, leading to this estrangement.

, too, has distanced himself from Harry, opting not to engage with him during the visit.

A source close to the situation remarked that William is “over it” and feels Harry's actions are more about embarrassing the family than addressing any legitimate grievances.

The ongoing tension between the brothers appears to be at an all-time high, with William seemingly uninterested in Harry's attempts to rally support for national causes.

Palace insiders have reacted with weary dismay to Harry's claims that the monarchy has worked against him.

A former Buckingham Palace staff member highlighted that the palace staff consistently strives to protect the royal principles, often advising against legal disputes that rarely yield positive outcomes.

This insider lamented the unfairness of Harry's portrayal of palace staff as conspirators, noting that many dedicate their lives to serving the royal family with little recognition.

Adding to the tension, another royal insider revealed that Harry and are currently on thin ice regarding their participation in royal events.

With the coronation set for May, they have reportedly been cautioned to maintain exemplary behavior if they wish to attend.

The uncertainty surrounding their attendance continues to generate buzz, with sources indicating that any misstep could result in their exclusion from future royal gatherings.

There are whispers that other family members are perplexed by the couple's invitations, given their previous criticisms of the monarchy.

A source from Heat magazine stated that if Harry and Meghan “put even a toe out of line,” they risk being banned from future royal occasions.

The message is clear: Charles has extended olive branches, but patience is wearing thin.

The tension leading up to the coronation is palpable, with sources indicating that Harry and Meghan will be under intense scrutiny if they do attend.

Their behavior will be watched closely, and any perceived transgressions could lead to immediate consequences.

The royal family seems resolute in maintaining decorum on such a significant occasion.

As the countdown to the coronation continues, the dynamics within the royal family remain fraught.

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