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Prince Harry Skips Uncle’s Funeral, Heads to Colombia Instead

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Prince Harry Skips Uncle’s Funeral, Heads to Colombia Instead

In a surprising turn of events, has opted not to travel the 5,459 miles from sunny California to the UK for his uncle Robert Fellowes's funeral.

Yes, it's true.

Despite engaging in conversations with his aunt, cousins, and his late mother Diana's brother, Charles Spencer, Harry will not be attending the farewell for his beloved uncle.

Lord Fellowes, who was married to Lady Jane Fellowes and served as private secretary to the late II, passed away on July 29 at the age of 82.

You might wonder why Harry is skipping this significant family event.

It seems that the logistics of making the trip have become quite daunting for him.

Since stepping back from royal duties in 2020, Harry and Meghan left behind their taxpayer-funded security.

Now, they are responsible for their own protection, which has turned into a logistical headache.

UK law requires Harry to notify British officials of any travel plans at least 28 days ahead of time.

With the funeral coming up unexpectedly, it appears that Harry wasn't prepared to tackle this complicated situation.

A source shared with OK!

Magazine that Harry had no plans to visit the UK this summer, making last-minute arrangements for a funeral particularly challenging.

It's almost amusing to think that the royal family might not have fully grasped the complexities of international travel and security until now.

Harry reportedly wishes he could spend more time in Britain, but ongoing security issues have made it a logistical nightmare for his team.

It raises an eyebrow when you consider that a multi-millionaire struggles with basic security arrangements.

While the UK grapples with its security challenges, Harry and Meghan are jetting off to Colombia.

Yes, Colombia—the country known for drug cartels, civil unrest, and travel warnings from the US State Department.

It seems like an odd choice for a getaway, but perhaps it serves a purpose for the Sussexes.

Maybe it's a strategic move to bolster Harry's IP status, or perhaps they're simply looking for another opportunity to play the victim.

One can't help but speculate whether Harry was even invited to his uncle's funeral in the first place.

The timing of his announcement, along with the excuses surrounding security, feels a bit convenient.

After all, it's not like he and Lord Fellowes were in regular contact over the years.

Could it be that Harry hadn't spoken to his uncle in ages and is now seizing this moment to attract sympathy and media attention?

Harry and Meghan have a knack for turning every situation into a narrative centered around their struggles.

Even a solemn family occasion like a funeral seems to morph into yet another opportunity for self-promotion.

It's striking how this couple consistently manages to make every event revolve around their personal experiences.

As the Sussexes embark on their latest adventure in Colombia, one can't help but feel a sense of disbelief at how they navigate these situations.

While many families come together during times of loss, the Sussexes appear to be charting a different course—one that prioritizes their own narrative above familial ties.

With Harry's decision to skip the funeral, questions linger about the state of his relationships within the royal family.

It raises important discussions about duty, family obligations, and the impact of choices made by public figures.

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