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**Prince Harry Shares Heartwarming Update on Archie and Lilibet During Well Child Awards Video Call**

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**Prince Harry Shares Heartwarming Update on Archie and Lilibet During Well Child Awards Video Call**

recently connected with the winners of the Well Child Awards via a video call from his residence in California.

Originally scheduled to attend the event in person in London, Harry had to cancel his appearance due to 's declining health.

The Well Child Awards aim to honor children facing illnesses in the United States.

During the virtual meeting, engaged with Henry Wayans, a four-year-old recipient of the Inspirational Child Award.

Henry, who spent his initial 15 months in a hospital, charmed Harry with a knock-knock joke.

Despite apologizing for missing the awards ceremony, Harry was comforted by Henry's understanding.

“You sound just like my son, , with that little squeaky voice.

I love it,” Harry expressed.

In addition to his conversation with Henry, Prince Harry interacted with Isabelle Delancey, a Well Child Award winner recognized for her inspirational qualities among children aged 12 to 14.

Isabelle's assistant's dog also made a cameo during the call.

Reflecting on his own household, Harry humorously shared, “I've got three dogs in this house now, so we basically have five children.”

He introduced his pets – a black Labrador named Pula, a rescue beagle named Guy, and another rescue beagle named Mia.

Despite the heartwarming nature of the video call, some royal fans expressed discontent with Harry's actions.

Criticisms included calls for Harry to focus on his own children, and , rather than engaging with other youngsters.

One commenter questioned Harry's description of learning to use her voice, labeling it as an unnecessary embellishment.

Others commented on Harry's demeanor without his wife, , suggesting he should consider divorce for personal happiness.

Reflecting on the dynamics within the royal family, columnist Tony Parsons highlighted the evolving relationship between Prince Harry and the institution.

Parsons noted that while the Sussexes retain their titles, they now rely more on the royal family than vice versa.

He emphasized the diverging paths of and Prince Harry, indicating Harry's commitment to appeasing his American business partners contrasts with William's trajectory towards the throne.

As Prince Harry continues to navigate his post-royal life, interactions such as the Well Child Awards video call offer glimpses into his personal journey.

Despite criticisms and scrutiny, Harry's dedication to charitable causes and connection with individuals facing challenges remain central to his public image.

The complexities of his role outside the traditional royal framework underscore the ongoing evolution of his identity and responsibilities.

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