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Prince Harry Regrets Leaving Royal Family, Expert Suggests

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Prince Harry Regrets Leaving Royal Family, Expert Suggests

, the Duke of Sussex, is reportedly reconsidering his impulsive decision to step away from his royal duties in 2020.

Alongside his wife , the couple relocated to California with their two children in pursuit of a more private life.

However, Tom Quinn, the author of “Gilded Youth, An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family,” has indicated that may now be experiencing regrets over relinquishing his royal title on a whim.

Despite Prince Harry's previous assertions of facing mistreatment during his time in the UK, Quinn highlighted the uncertainty surrounding his future and the void created by his disconnection from the royal family.

In a conversation with the Daily Express, Quinn expressed, “In Spare and Elsewhere, Harry's made it very clear he feels horribly, badly treated.

But I think he's already beginning to regret it because he understands the value of being a member of the royal family.”

Quinn further elaborated on the potential consequences of Prince Harry's departure, questioning the sustainability of constant complaints and the necessity for a positive role within the royal framework.

The expert shared insights from someone who had worked closely with Harry at Windsor's Frogmore, raising concerns about the repercussions once public interest wanes and the focus shifts from grievances to constructive contributions.

Recent months have been challenging for Prince Harry and as they strive to salvage their media endeavors.

Speculation suggests that the couple might have been compelled to leave their royal responsibilities, with rumors circulating about their alleged dismissal by .

Duchess Sophie is purported to possess inside knowledge regarding the true reasons behind their departure, having been entrusted with confidential discussions alongside and select royal aides.

The narrative surrounding Meghan and Harry's exit hints at a desire to preserve their reputation, with accusations of strategic exits to maintain appearances.

Sophie's involvement in ensuring Markle's departure from the UK underscores the intricate dynamics at play within the royal household.

As the couple ventured into establishing their personal brand and exploring commercial opportunities, clashes with royal protocols ensued, leading to copyright disputes over merchandise lines and subsequent shutdowns.

The decision to step back from certain royal obligations while retaining selective privileges ultimately resulted in their dismissal from official duties.

Violations of constitutional norms, including profiting from public roles and breaching political impartiality, necessitated their removal from royal responsibilities.

The late Queen's intervention in the disciplinary actions against Meghan and Harry underscored the severity of their transgressions and the repercussions of their actions on the monarchy's integrity.

Meghan's perceived audacity in leveraging her unofficial royal status for personal gains and engagements with prominent figures like and Netflix raised concerns about propriety and adherence to royal decorum.

The implications of their actions, particularly amidst 's deteriorating health, accentuated the rift between the couple and the royal establishment.

Prince Harry's demand for an apology on Meghan's behalf further fueled tensions and highlighted the deep-seated divisions within the royal family.

The fallout from their decisions reverberated across royal circles, with allegations of deceit and betrayal tarnishing their reputations.

The intricate power dynamics and stringent protocols governing royal conduct underscored the gravity of their actions and the subsequent repercussions.

As Prince Harry grapples with the ramifications of his choices, the specter of regret looms large, signaling a potential reckoning with the consequences of his departure from the royal fold.

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