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**Prince Harry Faces Backlash Over Meghan Markle Controversies**

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**Prince Harry Faces Backlash Over Meghan Markle Controversies**

, once seen as a close member of the royal family, is now facing potential regrets over decisions made hastily since his marriage to .

The couple's union has been marred by criticism and turmoil, prompting Harry to seek redemption in the eyes of the public.

Recently, King has taken steps to signal to Harry that forgiveness is possible if he addresses concerns surrounding Meghan Moonbump.

In response, Harry has finally come forward to address the issue.

During their royal tour of Morocco in February 2019, Harry and Meghan landed in Casablanca before heading to the town of Asne to support the Moroccan NGO Education for All, founded by British entrepreneur Michael McHugo.

A vintage clip from the visit shows a flurry of reporters and cameramen surrounding Meghan, with one reporter overhearing a cameraman making derogatory remarks about her pregnant belly upon entering the royal residence.

Observers noted Meghan's swift movements ahead of Harry, leading to speculation about her pregnancy.

As the footage circulated, questions arose about the authenticity of Meghan's pregnancy, with some suggesting that her baby bump appeared inconsistent and possibly enhanced.

In a particularly awkward moment captured on camera, a reporter quizzed Harry about Meghan's pregnancy, to which he responded by jokingly asking, “Is it mine?”

This flippant remark raised eyebrows and hinted at potential tension between the couple during that period.

Further clips from their time in Morocco revealed additional instances of discord between Harry, Meghan, and other dignitaries.

Meghan's perceived cold demeanor towards Crown Prince Mollet sparked gossip among onlookers, with one photographer audibly labeling her as “nasty.”

The interactions fuelled speculation about underlying tensions within the royal family and the Sussexes' strained relationships with other royals.

Amidst the controversy, Meghan's pregnancy timeline became a focal point, with estimates placing her around 30 weeks pregnant during the Morocco trip.

While airlines typically allow expectant mothers to fly until the 37-week mark, Meghan's travel plans raised eyebrows and fueled ongoing rumors and scrutiny surrounding her pregnancy and the impending birth of their first child.

In light of the escalating tensions and public scrutiny, has been advised to mend fences with his royal relatives by reassessing his approach and conduct within the family.

The Sussexes' decision-making and public image have divided opinions, with some believing they have overstepped boundaries while others hold out hope for reconciliation with the royal establishment.

Notable figures, including Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, have weighed in on the situation, expressing sympathy for Harry's predicament, especially his solo appearance at his father's coronation.

The Italian prince's comments underscore the complexity of the Sussexes' relationship with the royal family and the challenges they face in navigating their roles and responsibilities within the monarchy.

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