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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Popularity Takes a Hit in America

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Popularity Takes a Hit in America

A recent poll conducted by Newsweek reveals a notable shift in the public perception of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in the United States.

The survey indicates that and have experienced a decline in their popularity following the release of Harry's memoir, Spare.

This development has sparked mixed reactions and raised questions about the couple's public image.

According to the poll, 's favorability rating has dropped significantly, with only 31% of Americans expressing a positive view of him, while 38% hold a negative opinion, resulting in a net approval rating of negative 7%.

This decline marks a departure from Harry's previous standing among the American public and is seen as a consequence of the revelations in his memoir.

One of the most talked-about disclosures in Harry's book involves his admission of using 's favorite lip balm on his frostbitten p-nis.

While some have found this revelation to be amusing and relatable, others have criticized it as inappropriate and disrespectful.

The comedic take on the situation by late-night TV hosts like Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert has further fueled the debate.

Moreover, the survey highlights that a significant portion of Americans, 44% to be exact, disapprove of Harry's decision to include details of private family conversations in his memoir, viewing it as a breach of privacy.

In contrast, 26% believe that sharing such information was acceptable, reflecting a divided public opinion on the matter.

has also experienced a decline in her popularity, with her net approval rating plummeting by 36 points within a short period.

Currently, 26% of Americans view her favorably, while 39% hold an unfavorable opinion, resulting in a net approval rating of negative 13%.

This downward trend can be attributed, in part, to her ongoing legal battles with British tabloids.

In the midst of these developments, reports have emerged suggesting that has chosen not to respond to Harry's memoir and has refrained from engaging in peace talks.

This stance, while consistent with the royal family's penchant for discretion, has further strained the already tense relationship between Harry and the rest of the royals.

The overall findings of the survey underscore the significant impact of Harry's memoir on his and Meghan's standing in the United States.

While some view Harry's candid revelations as humanizing, others perceive them as overly revealing and potentially damaging to his family's privacy.

Similarly, Meghan's legal disputes have contributed to the erosion of her public support.

As opinions continue to evolve and circumstances change, the future trajectory of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's popularity remains uncertain.

The dynamics of public perception are subject to fluctuations, making it challenging to predict how their reputations will evolve over time.

The ongoing debate surrounding the couple's actions and decisions underscores the complexities of navigating fame and public scrutiny.

What are your thoughts on these latest developments?

Do you believe Prince Harry was justified in sharing private family conversations in his memoir, or do you see it as a breach of trust and privacy?

Share your views in the comments below.

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