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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Holiday Dilemma: A Reunion Won’t Heal the Rift

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Holiday Dilemma: A Reunion Won’t Heal the Rift

In a twist that has become all too familiar, and opted to spend this past Christmas away from the royal family.

Instead of joining their relatives in the UK, the couple celebrated the holiday season in the United States with their two children, Prince and Princess .

This decision marks yet another year that the Sussexes have chosen to forgo traditional family gatherings.

The last time Harry and Meghan spent Christmas with the royal family was back in 2018, shortly after their wedding.

Since then, their relationship with the monarchy has only grown more strained.

The couple stepped back from their royal duties in March 2020, a move that sparked significant media scrutiny and public debate.

In 2019, they made headlines by skipping the royal Christmas festivities at Sandringham, opting instead to celebrate with Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland.

This year's absence continues a trend that suggests a widening chasm between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family.

Experts on relationships are weighing in, suggesting that a simple reunion isn't enough to mend the deep-seated issues that have emerged.

Luella Alderson, a relationship specialist and founder of the SoSync dating app, emphasized that the ongoing tension between Harry, Meghan, and the royal family makes reconciliation challenging.

Alderson pointed out that the recent media frenzy surrounding the couple, particularly following the release of Harry's memoir, complicates matters further.

She noted that during the holiday season, families typically gather to celebrate, but given the current circumstances, it may not be the ideal setting for healing old wounds.

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