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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Face Public Opinion Backlash

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Face Public Opinion Backlash

In a recent survey, and have taken a notable hit in public approval ratings, revealing a stark contrast to other members of the royal family.

According to the poll conducted by MailOnline, only 14% of respondents in the UK view the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as positive role models.

This figure is dwarfed by the 71% who believe that and Catherine, the Princess of Wales, embody the qualities of good role models—a significant increase of 7% since the last poll in 2020.

The survey results are particularly sobering for Harry.

A staggering 64% of those surveyed expressed a desire to remove him from the line of succession if given the choice, placing him just slightly ahead of , who has faced his own share of controversies.

When it comes to perceptions of damage done to the royal family, 46% of respondents blamed , while 43% pointed fingers at Harry.

In a twist of fate, support for has surged since his ascension to the throne, with 64% of the public now believing he will be a commendable king.

This newfound favor highlights a growing divide between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family.

As Harry prepares to attend the upcoming coronation, reports suggest that his reception may not be as warm as he hopes.

Insiders claim that and Catherine plan to keep their interactions with Harry minimal during the coronation.

Sources close to the situation revealed that the royals are not interested in engaging with Harry beyond basic greetings, setting the stage for what could be an awkward event.

Despite any familial ties, it appears that William has no intention of reaching out to his brother at this significant occasion.

Adding to the tension, 's former friend, Lizzie Cundey, criticized Harry for attending the coronation without Meghan.

In a candid interview, she accused him of using the event as fodder for his next book or media appearances, suggesting that his motives are self-serving.

Cundey remarked that Harry's fleeting visit seems calculated, aimed at portraying himself as a victim of royal neglect.

Cundey also expressed her surprise at extending an invitation to the couple, especially considering their past criticisms of the royal family.

She emphasized that the coronation is meant to honor the king, not serve as a backdrop for Harry's personal narrative.

Her comments underline a growing sentiment that the Sussexes' actions may have consequences, particularly in light of their strained relationship with the monarchy.

Moreover, rumors have surfaced suggesting that Netflix plays a significant role in Harry's decision to attend the coronation.

Reports indicate that the streaming giant insisted on his presence, implying that financial obligations might outweigh familial ties.

With the stakes high, Harry's attendance could be more about maintaining his public image than reconnecting with his family.

In addition to the coronation drama, whispers of Harry's upcoming book have begun to circulate.

Sources claim that this second publication will include previously omitted chapters from his memoir, “Spare.”

Interestingly, it is said that there will be no PR campaign surrounding the release, a strategic move to prevent leaks and protect sensitive information.

This new book is expected to delve deeper into Harry's experiences and grievances, potentially reigniting tensions with the royal family.

The absence of a promotional strategy suggests a deliberate attempt to control the narrative while simultaneously positioning himself as a victim once again.

As the coronation approaches, all eyes will be on Harry.

Will he find a way to mend fences with his family, or will the day be overshadowed by lingering resentments?

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