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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: A Royal Rebranding or a Step Backward?

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: A Royal Rebranding or a Step Backward?

Last week, and unveiled their new website, sparking a wave of chatter among royal watchers.

The couple, who have been navigating life outside the royal family, seems to be leaning heavily on their royal titles for this latest venture.

It's a surprising move, as noted by culture writer Claire Lambin in her op-ed for The Cut.

The new site bears a striking resemblance to their previous online presence,, which they were compelled to shut down four years ago when they stepped back from royal duties.

Lambin argues that instead of a fresh start, the couple appears to be returning to their roots, embracing what made them famous in the first place.

Their new philanthropic media conglomerate, RTUL, casts a long shadow over their rebranding efforts.

Lambin's observations raise an interesting point: are Harry and Meghan trying to establish themselves as celebrities and media moguls while still clinging to their royal identities?

The About Me section of the site highlights this dilemma, as Meghan introduces herself not simply as “Markle,” but as the “Duchess of Sussex.” This choice of language echoes the royal protocols they once distanced themselves from.

The website's design and content have not gone unnoticed.

Many are questioning whether this is an attempt to shed their past or to amplify it.

During a recent episode of the podcast Royally Obsessed, co-host Rachel Bowie posed the question that's on everyone's mind: are they trying to move away from their royal connections or reinforce them?

Fellow co-host Roberta Fioriotto expressed surprise at the clear ties to their former royal life, suggesting that the couple is not abandoning their heritage.

This royal update has certainly piqued public interest, especially with the use of terms like “the office” in reference to their team.

It implies a structure reminiscent of palace operations, which they had previously left behind.

Observers are left wondering about the implications of such language and branding choices.

Many fans of Harry and Meghan are excited about their future endeavors, yet there's a sense of confusion surrounding their latest moves.

The couple has worked hard to establish their independence from royal constraints, so this apparent regression is puzzling.

It raises questions about their long-term vision and strategy.

The juxtaposition of their current branding with their royal past creates a complex narrative.

Are they attempting to carve out a niche in the celebrity world while simultaneously holding onto their royal identities?

Or is this merely a transitional phase as they navigate their new roles in the public eye?

As the couple continues to develop their brand, the conversation around their identity remains dynamic.

The blending of royal titles with their personal brand may attract both supporters and critics.

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