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Prince Harry and Meghan Face Questioning in U.S. Defamation Case

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Prince Harry and Meghan Face Questioning in U.S. Defamation Case

and his wife, Meghan, are set to be interrogated as part of a defamation lawsuit filed in the United States by Meghan's half-sister, Samantha Markle, regarding allegedly false and damaging statements.

Samantha Markle has taken legal action against Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, for defamation and injurious falsehood following the couple's widely-publicized interview with in 2021.

In a legal submission made in March of the previous year, Samantha Markle asserted that Meghan had made blatantly false and harmful statements to a global audience.

The Duchess had previously attempted to halt depositions related to the case, but this motion was rejected by Florida judge Charlene Edwards-Honeywell on Tuesday.

A deposition is a formal testimony given outside of court and recorded by an authorized court official.

According to documents obtained by the PA News Agency, the court ruled that there were no exceptional circumstances warranting a delay, nor was there evidence of potential harm or undue burden if the depositions proceeded.

During their joint interview with , and Meghan discussed their respective families and levied a series of accusations against the British royal family.

Samantha Markle's initial complaint alleged that the statements made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during the interview reached approximately 50 million viewers across 17 countries.

She claimed in the filing that Meghan defamed her by falsely asserting that Samantha Markle was an only child.

The legal document further contended that Meghan utilized the extensive reach of the royal family's public relations apparatus to propagate falsehoods globally about Samantha Markle and their father, Thomas Markle.

The filing accused Meghan of orchestrating a deliberate smear campaign to tarnish her sister's and father's reputations in order to perpetuate a fabricated narrative of a rise from rags to royalty.

The objective, as stated in the filing, was to discredit them so they could not challenge the false storyline crafted by Meghan and Prince Harry.

The planned depositions come on the heels of the couple's recent Netflix series and the announcement of Prince Harry's forthcoming memoir.

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