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Prince Harry Accused of Wasting Court Time on Historic Case

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Prince Harry Accused of Wasting Court Time on Historic Case

faced accusations of wasting court time as he missed the first day of his historic case, citing his daughter's birthday as the reason for his absence.

Despite being aware of his testimony schedule for weeks, if not months, questions arose regarding why his counsel did not address this issue earlier.

The Duke was expected to make a significant appearance in the High Court, becoming the first senior royal in 132 years to provide evidence while swearing an oath beneath his father's coat of arms.

However, the anticipated courtroom drama took a different turn when it was revealed that was unavailable on the opening day of his case against the Mirror newspaper publisher.

An exasperated judge reprimanded the Duke's barrister for the unexpected absence of the royal witness, thwarting any attempt to curtail the time allocated for cross-examination.

Despite efforts to manipulate the proceedings, the judge firmly stated that the allotted time would not be compromised.

Speculations emerged regarding Prince Harry's claimed absence to spend time with his daughter on her birthday, with doubts cast on the feasibility of his schedule.

Allegations surfaced suggesting that the Duke was delayed due to being hungover from alleged substance use in a London hotel, leaving his legal team unprepared for the trial.

Concerns were raised about the potential impact of cross-examination on the unfolding events, as Prince Harry's credibility came under scrutiny.

Amidst the unfolding courtroom saga, Prince Harry's legal representatives found themselves in a challenging position, attempting to navigate the repercussions of his absence.

The judge's decision to extend the questioning period into the following day signaled a setback for Prince Harry's strategy to limit his time on the stand.

Despite attempts to justify his nonattendance based on travel and security concerns, criticisms mounted against the Duke for disrupting the trial's timetable.

David Sherborne, Harry's lawyer, defended his client's absence by citing exceptional circumstances related to travel arrangements and security protocols.

In contrast, the Mirror's legal representative, KC Andrew Green, expressed astonishment at Prince Harry's failure to appear on the trial's inaugural day.

Mr. Justice Fancourt voiced his surprise at the Duke's absence and admonished Sherborne for the resulting scheduling disruptions, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

The absence of Prince Harry on the trial's commencement drew sharp rebuke from the Mirror Group newspapers' lawyer, Andrew Green, who condemned the perceived waste of court time.

The lawyer expressed disappointment at the missed opportunity to question the Duke regarding multiple articles allegedly sourced from unlawfully obtained material.

As the courtroom drama unfolded, tensions rose, highlighting the intricate legal battle surrounding Prince Harry's historic case and the implications of his absence on the trial's proceedings.

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