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Prince George’s Royal Travel Restrictions: A Family Drama Unfolds

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Prince George’s Royal Travel Restrictions: A Family Drama Unfolds

In a twist of royal protocol, Prince George is set to face travel restrictions that will prevent him from flying with once he turns 12.

This news comes amid ongoing tensions between the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and II regarding their use of the royal helicopter for family trips.

It seems that even royals have their share of travel troubles.

The situation has escalated recently, as the Queen has expressed her concerns about the frequency with which William and Kate have been using the royal chopper to zip back and forth from their country residence to London.

While it might seem like a minor issue to the average person, it's raised eyebrows in royal circles.

The Queen's primary worry?


She has made it clear that she prefers the family not to fly together too often, a sentiment that reflects longstanding royal protocols.

Despite Her Majesty's wishes, the Cambridges took a family vacation via helicopter, seemingly brushing off the Queen's advice.

Now, it appears they are facing the consequences of their actions.

Reports indicate that the couple has been summoned to the Palace for a serious discussion about their recent choices.

It's a classic case of royal drama, where every decision is scrutinized and weighed against tradition.

As for Prince George, the rules surrounding royal heirs mean that he'll soon be unable to travel with his father.

The monarchy has a long-standing protocol that discourages heirs from flying together to mitigate any potential risks to the lineage.

While has previously made exceptions for young children, once George reaches his twelfth birthday, those exceptions will no longer apply.

This isn't just a rule that affects George.

It also impacts other royal family members.

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