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Prince George’s Royal Destiny Revealed on His Seventh Birthday

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Prince George’s Royal Destiny Revealed on His Seventh Birthday

A new book has disclosed that Prince George was informed of his future as a king on his seventh birthday, breaking the news slightly later than usual, as per his father's wishes.

In the latest chapter of the book Battle of Brothers by royal author Robert Lacey, it is revealed that , the Duke of Cambridge, wanted to ensure that George had a semblance of a normal childhood for as long as possible.

The intention was to gradually introduce George to his royal lineage, providing him with the gift of a normal upbringing.

From the very beginning, was open about his desire to shield his firstborn from the formalities he had experienced as a child.

Speaking to BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell, William emphasized the importance of raising George in a secure and loving environment, instilling values of service and duty.

He expressed his aspiration to nurture his children into good individuals who understand their place in the world.

Robert Lacey's book recounts an incident where Prince George participated in a photo session known as the Four Monarchs alongside II, Prince Charles, and Prince William in December 2019.

Unaware of the significance of the moment, George was simply directed to spend a few moments with his great-grandmother, the Queen, showing love and respect.

The young prince did not comprehend why he was part of the selected group or the purpose behind the photo.

Although the exact timing of when Prince William revealed George's future role as the heir to the throne remains unspecified, it is believed that the conversation took place around George's seventh birthday in the summer of 2020.

William's primary objective, as highlighted in Lacey's book, was to provide George with a normal upbringing within the royal family, ensuring the monarchy's relevance in contemporary times.

The book sheds light on William's deliberate approach to parenting, focusing on fostering a sense of normalcy and understanding of responsibilities within George.

The Duke of Cambridge's emphasis on gradually acquainting George with his royal duties reflects his commitment to balancing tradition with modernity.

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