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Prince George’s Important Week: The Real Reason Behind Princess Catherine’s Absence

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Prince George’s Important Week: The Real Reason Behind Princess Catherine’s Absence

has been making a lasting impression on the locals during his recent visit to Singapore, but noticeably missing from the whirlwind trip is his wife, Princess Catherine.

In a recent speech at the United for Wildlife Global Summit, addressed the absence of the princess and shed light on the reason behind it, which revolves around their eldest child, Prince George.

The young prince has an important week ahead of him, with major exams on the horizon.

During his speech, Prince William expressed his delight at being back in Singapore after 11 years, reminiscing about a memorable visit he and Catherine had made on behalf of his late grandmother during her diamond jubilee year.

He also conveyed Catherine's apologies for not being able to join him on the trip, explaining that she is back in the UK assisting Prince George through his first set of significant exams, drawing laughter from the audience.

While Prince William did not delve into specifics about the exams Prince George is undertaking, it is likely that the young royal is preparing for his upcoming entrance exams to secure a spot in one of the country's prestigious schools, which comes with a hefty price tag of 48k a year.

As such, both Prince William and the devoted mother, Princess Catherine, have decided that it is crucial for her to stay by Prince George's side during this crucial period.

At just 10 years old, Prince George is facing entrance examinations that will determine the senior school he attends when he reaches the age of 13.

These exams involve a series of assessments, including a multiple-choice exam covering various subjects like verbal and non-verbal reasoning, mathematics, and English.

The process is rigorous, with age-appropriate scoring, and requires a combination of academic aptitude and character evaluation.

Following the initial exams, Prince George will undergo further assessments in the form of an online predictive academic aptitude test and an in-person interview at the school.

The results of these evaluations, along with a report from his current head teacher, will play a significant role in determining his future educational path.

The palace is expected to receive Prince George's results by July 2024, providing clarity on his academic journey.

While the admission process for schools like Eaton College is highly competitive, there is optimism surrounding Prince George's prospects, given his royal lineage and the support he receives from his family.

The young prince is following in the footsteps of his father and uncle, who both attended Eaton College after successfully completing the entrance exams.

Despite the confidentiality surrounding individual exam results, the royal family remains hopeful for Prince George's success.

Speculations suggest that Prince George might opt for Marlborough, a boarding school with strong family ties, or follow the tradition of attending Eaton College.

The royal family's connections to these esteemed institutions, coupled with Prince George's potential, make his educational journey an intriguing topic for royal fans and observers alike.

While the specifics of his academic performance remain private, the anticipation surrounding his future schooling choices continues to grow.

As Prince George navigates through the demanding entrance exams and assessments, the royal family stands united in supporting him every step of the way.

With the legacy of academic excellence and tradition within the family, Prince George's educational path holds great significance for the future of the monarchy.

As the young prince faces this pivotal moment in his academic journey, the world watches with bated breath, eager to witness the next chapter in his royal upbringing.

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