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Prince George’s Half-Term Duties at Sandringham Estate Revealed

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Prince George’s Half-Term Duties at Sandringham Estate Revealed

During the upcoming half-term break, Prince George, along with and , is set to take a break from their usual routines.

However, it seems that nine-year-old George will not be entirely free from responsibilities during this time off from Lambourg School, where the royal siblings are enrolled.

Demonstrating their commitment to instilling a sense of accountability in their children, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have organized farm-related tasks for Prince George at the Sandringham Estate.

Last year, and Kate disclosed that George had been assigned a peculiar duty during a visit to a goat farm in Wales.

While enjoying a break from school, George had the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences.

During a visit to Amner Hall in Norfolk, part of the Sandringham Estate, William noticed a robot silage sweeper in one of the barns.

The farmer explained that the tool could also be used to transfer feed, sparking George's interest.

Kate shared with a smile that George's task for the upcoming half-term break involves feeding the animals.

Additionally, William mentioned another activity the children participated in while staying at the Sandringham farm, where Prince Charles is working on establishing an organic enterprise.

The family is also exploring agroforestry as part of their agricultural endeavors.

Prior to the half-term holidays, Prince George played a significant role in his grandfather's recent coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey.

Despite being only nine years old, George was entrusted with the prestigious role of serving as a page of honour and assisting with the king's robes.

His deep interest in royal traditions and ceremonies earned him this special responsibility, typically reserved for older children.

Leading up to the coronation, sources revealed 's desire to involve the next generation of royals in key ceremonial events.

Despite his young age, George is described as exceptionally mature and possessing a profound understanding of his family's roles and his own future responsibilities.

This symbolic gesture at the coronation ceremony reflects the king's vision for the monarchy's future direction.

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