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**Prince George’s Grandparents: The Heart of His World**

Photos: GETTY

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**Prince George’s Grandparents: The Heart of His World**

Prince George's grandparents are not just any ordinary family members; they are some of the most recognizable faces in the world.

and Queen , seated upon the royal throne, hold a special place in the hearts of the British public.

However, on the maternal side of the young royal's family tree, Michael and Carol Middleton play an indispensable role in Prince George's life.

From the moment Prince George entered the world, Michael and Carol Middleton have been a constant presence, offering essential grounding and a connection to the everyday lives of Brits.

Catherine's sister, Pippa, shared a glimpse into their family dynamic, describing her father's playful nature as a granddad who loves surprising them with elaborate costumes, earning him the endearing nickname “Sumo.”

A poignant image captured during the 2019 King's Cup Regatta showcases the tender relationship between Michael Middleton and his grandson.

With protective hands enveloping Prince George, Michael gazes down at him with a mix of pride and affection, while George basks in the comfort of his grandfather's presence.

Unlike previous generations of royal children, Prince George has the unique privilege of being raised with the influence of devoted commoner grandparents.

The Middletons' Berkshire home served as the young prince's first residence, fostering a strong bond between Grandpa Michael and George from the beginning.

Michael Middleton's calm and level-headed demeanor shone through during a crucial moment following George's birth when the world eagerly awaited a glimpse of the newborn.

Sensing the royal couple's apprehension about a formal photoshoot, Michael took matters into his own hands, orchestrating a stress-free photo session in the garden that allowed Kate and William the privacy they desired.

While the role of in Prince George's life is significant, it is Grandpa Michael who has played a pivotal role in shaping the young prince's formative years.

The Middletons, once a middle-class family, now find themselves at the core of the British establishment, symbolized by their own coat of arms featuring acorns as a nod to England and strength.

Prince George's arrival not only transformed his father's life but also paved the way for a more relaxed and unscripted future for the young royal.

As he navigates his path towards potentially becoming King George VII, the influence of the Middletons, particularly Michael's quiet dignity, is expected to continue offering a sense of calm within the royal family circle.

Looking ahead, the future for Prince George appears to be one of greater freedom compared to his predecessors.

With the Middletons standing steadfastly beside him, providing support and stability, the young prince can rely on the endearing presence of “Sumo” as he continues to carve his unique path within the royal lineage.

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