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Prince George: The Future King with a Cheeky Attitude

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Prince George: The Future King with a Cheeky Attitude

At just nine years old, Prince George is already showing signs of royal confidence, proving that he knows exactly who he is.

According to royal expert Katie Nicholl, the eldest son of and recently had a playful exchange with a classmate that showcased his awareness of his royal lineage.

He reportedly told his friend, “My dad will be king, so you better watch out.” This cheeky comeback highlights not only his playful spirit but also the upbringing he is receiving from his parents.

In her book, “The New Royals,” Nicholl explains that Prince George, along with his siblings and , is being raised with a strong understanding of the monarchy and a sense of duty.

While they are being prepared for their future roles, William and Kate are careful not to burden them with excessive responsibilities at such a young age.

They want their children to appreciate their heritage without feeling overwhelmed by it.

Nicholl emphasizes that George is aware of his future as king, yet his parents strive to keep him grounded.

They aim to instill in him a sense of duty while allowing him to enjoy his childhood.

This balance is crucial, especially for a child destined for the throne.

It's clear that George's cheeky remark to his classmate is a reflection of this upbringing, as he navigates the complexities of being a royal child.

Interestingly, has drawn inspiration from the parenting style of and Sophie Wessex.

Their children, Lady Louise Windsor and James, Viscount Severn, have grown up without HRH titles and largely out of the public eye, despite being part of the royal family.

Nicholl notes that Kate admires how Edward and Sophie managed to provide their children with a quieter upbringing, fostering a sense of normalcy amidst royal duties.

Last year, royal author Robert Lacey updated his book “Battle of Brothers” with new insights into how William and Kate approached the topic of George's future role.

They wanted to discuss his future responsibilities at a time that felt right for them, aiming to control the narrative around his royal destiny.

This careful consideration reflects their desire to give George a stable family life.

It is believed that around George's seventh birthday, his parents finally sat him down to talk about what being king would entail.

Until that point, they had kept the details of his royal future somewhat vague, allowing him to enjoy a more typical childhood.

William has kept the specifics of this conversation private, but the significance of the moment is undeniable.

The timing of this discussion is particularly interesting.

If it did indeed happen around the summer of 2020, it means that George was blissfully unaware of his royal future when he participated in the iconic photograph with four monarchs in December 2019.

That image featured his great-grandmother, II, his father, and his grandfather, Prince Charles, creating a powerful visual of royal continuity.

William's approach as a father seems to stem from his own experiences growing up in the royal spotlight.

He has expressed a desire to provide George with a sense of normalcy, ensuring that the monarchy remains relevant in today's world.

This intention is evident in how he and Kate navigate their roles as parents within the royal framework.

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