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**Prince Charles Blocks Harry After Shocking Revelations**

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**Prince Charles Blocks Harry After Shocking Revelations**

Prince Charles has taken the drastic step of cutting ties with his son, , after being deeply hurt and shocked by Harry's recent actions.

The strained relationship between the father and son duo has reached an all-time low, with communication between them almost nonexistent for months.

The rift between Prince Charles and Harry deepened following the explosive Oprah interview by Harry and Meghan, where they made damning revelations about the royal family.

The situation worsened when Harry publicly revealed that he had distanced himself from Mahfouz Mareh Mubarak bin Mahfouz a year before Prince Charles honored the controversial Saudi billionaire with a CBE.

's decision to publicly criticize Prince Charles over his association with Mr. Mahfouz has further strained their already fragile relationship.

The controversy surrounding the cash-for-access scandal involving the Saudi billionaire has cast a shadow over Prince Charles, leading to intense scrutiny and criticism.

In a surprising turn of events, Prince Harry issued a statement distancing himself from the CBE scandal and expressing his reservations about Mr. Mahfouz's intentions.

He disclosed that he had raised concerns about the businessman but did not specify to whom or if any actions were taken regarding the donations made to charities associated with him.

Observers note that the public spat between father and son indicates that their relationship has not recovered since Harry and Meghan's decision to step back from royal duties.

Angela Levin, a biographer of Prince Harry, remarked that Harry's continuous attacks on his father seem to stem from a need for power and attention, especially now that financial support from Prince Charles has been cut off.

Sources close to Prince Charles revealed that he has chosen to maintain a dignified silence amid the turmoil to avoid further damaging his reputation and reign.

The rift between the Prince of Wales and Harry escalated following the revelations made during the Oprah interview, where Harry disclosed that he had been financially cut off by his father.

The strained relationship between Prince Charles and Harry was evident at the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral, where they last spoke in person eight months ago.

Since then, their interactions have been limited to tense phone calls, with Harry making public comments criticizing his father's parenting style and decisions.

Despite Prince Harry's claims of cutting ties with Mr. Mahfouz due to suspicions about his motives, questions remain about the handling of the donations received from the Saudi billionaire.

The lack of clarity surrounding the situation has only added to the growing tension between father and son.

As the feud between Prince Charles and Harry continues to play out in the public eye, it remains to be seen whether the once-close relationship between the two will ever be repaired.

The ongoing drama highlights the complexities and challenges faced by the royal family, as personal grievances and public scrutiny collide in a battle for control and understanding.

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