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**Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Takes a Playful Jab at Prince Harry in Christmas Video**

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**Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Takes a Playful Jab at Prince Harry in Christmas Video**

In a light-hearted Christmas video shared from Downing Street, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak playfully pokes fun at for mistakenly calling .

The festive clip, which aims to spread holiday cheer, showcases Sunak engaging in various activities while humorously addressing the mix-up.

As the video begins, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak extends warm Christmas wishes to his audience from the iconic Number 10.

Amusingly, he finds himself alone in the residence and decides to entertain himself by playfully knocking over Coca-Cola cans, mimicking a cricket bowl.

Amidst the jovial atmosphere, Sunak affectionately interacts with Larry the Cat, giving the feline companion a tender kiss before turning his attention to decorating a Christmas tree with meticulous care.

The scene transitions as he settles down to enjoy a classic film, “Elf,” accompanied by a plate of traditional fish and chips.

The lighthearted tone takes a humorous turn when the phone at Downing Street's press office rings, prompting Sunak to answer the call.

With a playful grin, he humorously informs the caller, identified as Harry, that they have dialed the wrong number, adding a touch of comedic flair to the interaction.

Speculation arises among viewers regarding the jest, connecting it to the absence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from the Royal Christmas festivities at Sandringham.

Social media buzzes with comments noting the playful banter between the Prime Minister and , highlighting the public nature of the exchange.

The jovial atmosphere of the video contrasts with recent tensions, as Prince Harry publicly criticized the government led by Rishi Sunak, accusing it of avoiding accountability and cozying up to sympathetic media outlets.

The Prince's remarks on the state of democracy in the UK sparked debate and drew attention to the relationship between the press and the government.

Notably, Prince Harry's efforts to mend ties with the royal family ahead of Christmas were met with exclusion from the Sandringham celebrations, where an extensive guest list included the return of Sarah Ferguson after more than three decades.

The absence of Harry and from the gathering underscored ongoing rifts within the royal circle.

Reflecting on the broader implications of the playful exchange, observers note the divisive nature of politics and the public sentiment towards Prince Harry.

Despite differing political views, the light-hearted jest at Harry's expense seems to resonate as a unifying factor among the British populace, highlighting the complexities of public perception.

As the holiday season unfolds, the playful interaction between Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Prince Harry serves as a moment of levity amidst broader societal tensions and political discourse.

The blend of humor and underlying tensions encapsulates the intricate dynamics of public figures navigating personal and professional relationships in the public eye.

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