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Poll Shows Strong Support for Stripping Duke and Duchess of Sussex Titles

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Poll Shows Strong Support for Stripping Duke and Duchess of Sussex Titles

A recent poll conducted among readers has revealed significant backing for a proposed legislation that would remove the titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and return them to the Crown.

Conservative MP Bob Seeley has introduced a new bill aimed at revoking the titles of and , a move that has garnered widespread support among readers of Express.

The poll results indicated a striking 96% of respondents in favor of stripping the couple of their titles, while only 4% opposed the idea.

This survey was carried out following Mr. Seeley's announcement of his intention to present a private Member's Bill to the House of Commons, with the objective of amending the 1917 Titles Deprivation Act.

This act was previously utilized to strip the German royal family of their UK titles during the First World War.

Critics, including Mr. Seeley, have accused the Sussexes of undermining British institutions and exploiting their personal struggles for public consumption.

The decision to relinquish the couple's titles comes in the wake of their withdrawal from senior royal duties in 2020, despite retaining the Duke and Duchess titles bestowed upon them by almost five years ago.

While the authority to confer royal titles rests with the monarch, the process of removing such titles necessitates parliamentary approval.

The overwhelming support for the title removal among Express readers is evident in the comments section below the article.

Many argue that the couple should have forfeited their titles upon stepping back from royal responsibilities in 2020.

Some readers propose an automatic forfeiture of titles for any royal family member opting to depart the UK.

However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential implications of introducing a new law to strip royal titles, with apprehensions about its broader impact beyond just and .

The debate surrounding the stripping of the Sussexes' titles has sparked division, with proponents asserting its necessity to safeguard the royal family's reputation, while opponents view it as unnecessary and potentially divisive.

The fate of Mr. Seeley's private member's bill remains uncertain, as its passage through Parliament hinges on garnering adequate support.

Should the bill succeed, it would mark a notable moment in modern British monarchy history, representing the first instance of a royal title being revoked in contemporary times.

Share your thoughts on this development in the comments below.

The outcome of this contentious issue is awaited with bated breath, as the future of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's titles hangs in the balance.

Stay tuned for further updates on this evolving story.

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